Who will be the new Doctor?

The new doctor will be - Matt Smith. Honest. He's an ok actor, but far too young for Doctor Who, in my opinion.

I'd happily have Eddie Izzard, I think he'd be a very good doctor. He's very British, he's funny, he has good timing, and having seen his series he did in the states (the name escapes me, he was a tinker in it) he's certainly a good enough actor for Doctor Who.

As for people bashing Doctor Who... come off it. It's just a bit of fun. It appeals to kids because it's a bit scary and aimed at them, and it appeals to adults (of at least 30) because we saw it as kids. I guess there's an age gap of people who didn't grow up with Doctor Who and are too old to appreciate it as 'kids'. But nobody forces them to watch it. Sadly I can't stand Strictly Come Dancing, but since so many people watch it and it's not doing any harm then I can't complain.

Also, Patrick Stewart would do a good Doctor Who, so would Bill Nighy, but my absolute favourite person for the role would be Brian Cox.

Was this a guess or did you have inside info?

i just want to punch him in the face! looks like plenty of people beat me to it already though!

i hate his accent and his hair! i dont think i could bring my self to watch drwho while hes in it!

i didnt really like tennant much at first but mainly because of cassanova but atleast hes normal i hate posh accents and the kinda idiots they generally are.

expect a toff idiot drwho tbh
OMG! Lily Allen and a sprog as the doctor! I will certainly be giving that a miss! I loved the last series, should have kept KT IMO!
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