Who will be the new Doctor?

The point is that just because you don't watch the BBC doesn't mean you're not watching content funded or part-funded by the license fee.

No but you almost certainly aren't, encrypt license funded broadcasts if you want to charge for it like sky does.
It's not like they were Tom Hanks's of the acting scene before they got the role. I mean, it's not like Christopher Ecclestone got an Oscar and became new James Bond since quitting Dr.Who job. Actors out there spend 10 years playing Chandlers to their Monicas for 24 episodes a year. It's ridiculous for someone who at the peak of his career had background role in Nicolas Cage movie to his name to quit something like Dr.Who after 1 episode out of 13. The guy will never find a decent job again. no one in their right mind will prop any budget against lead that cannot do continuous 13 episodes of low budget, quick production drama without changing his mind.

Do we know anything about his contract, or re-negotiation of contracts with the bbc?. This is all speculation really. He wont have any trouble whatsoever finding work, and as far as industry goes, the bbc don't hold anywhere near the weight that they once did. It's in the process of regional segmentation and massive downsizing. Commission from the bbc are not easy to come, times are hard all over, etc. Which I would imagine has something to do with it somehow.
No but you might not be, encrypt license funded broadcasts if you want to charge for it like sky.
Requiring everyone to buy some sort of decryption box for their tv? At what expense? What would you also do about the radio output? Would you stick a pay-wall on to the website?
Patterson Joseph, i blooming hope not, he was terrible in The Survivors, how can he be mad and eccentric like a Doctor should be, now Rhys Ifans well he would suit the role perfectly
You seriously don't think that this is a career?

Any background actor you couldn't name on the screen has that kind of career. Some of them, if they're lucky become Dr. Who's, others build the list of "Exotic Car Salesman" or "Cabbie" roles to be three times longer and hope one day they get regular wage from some kind of tenure in Johny O'Groats School of Performance Arts and Shipyard Mechanics
Requiring everyone to buy some sort of decryption box for their tv? At what expense? What would you also do about the radio output? Would you stick a pay-wall on to the website?

Everyone already has to buy a digibox for the switchover, it would be no different to that. Sky manages it fine and their boxes cost less than £50 from unofficial websites, as do top up tv boxes (which also have a cam slot). Radio does not require a licence so no problem there, and neither does the website. If a licence was required for the website, everyone who has a licence could recieve a website login just like you do for sky's online tv services.

Broadcasting data across the entire country via radiowaves and then demanding that people buy a licence to recieve it is laughable, even more so for unencrypted data. It's the exact definition of unsolicited goods in the sale of goods act. As far as I'm concerned anything sent to my property is mine do with as I please, whether that be physical products or data, the former of which the sale of goods act agrees with.
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Any background actor you couldn't name on the screen has that kind of career. Some of them, if they're lucky become Dr. Who's, others build the list of "Exotic Car Salesman" or "Cabbie" roles to be three times longer and hope one day they get regular wage from some kind of tenure in Johny O'Groats School of Performance Arts and Shipyard Mechanics

Ohh Kaay, yesss.. Do you actually watch movies?. Christopher Eccleston was Christopher Eccleston long before he partook in Dr Who!. Dude's a decent actor, same as lots of other actors that don't get paid a million pounds a day. Jesus, David Tennant has no reason to sell his soul to the franchise. He's a dude!, he works and gets paid, and when he makes a decision to move on he moves on, the same as you or I. Is it really that hard to understand?.
Broadcasting data across the entire country via radiowaves and then demanding that people buy a licence to recieve it is laughable, even more so for unencrypted data. It's the exact definition of unsolicited goods in the sale of goods act.

Hmmm.... I wonder if you could win a court case on owning a TV and not paying the licence by using a sale of goods act defense?
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