Thanks for that, an interesting and slightly worrying read considering how badly the Labour party was slated for thinking of such a thing.
To be fair Labour went the extra mile and said the monthly charge would be free, That wasn't needed and was what got them the most dirision. The vast majority of the monthly cost we all pay for the internet is so that the ISP can recoup the cost of the infrastructure. If the Govt is picking up the £33bn bill then there is no need for them to charge £30-£50 per month. They obviously have some running costs, maintenance, customer services etc but I would have bought into £33bn to get everybody on full fibre and then we have to pay £5 -£10 per month for it if we want it.
Throw with the benefit of enabling more people to work from home, businesses to have more business conferencing rather than travelling and you probably dont need the extra capacity HS2 would bring plus its much better for the environment. Win win all round.
I would fully get behind any government suggesting we spend £33bn on full fibre,. Even the Tories are given BT £8bn to get them to put full fibre in the remote premises where it doesnt stack up economically for BT to install it.
Since those will be the premises which give the least return for every pound spent, out current Govt must think its still a worthwhile investment and worth spending that £8bn on.