Why are taxi drivers the worst drivers?

I find most lorry drivers fine, the only thing that they routinely do that ****** me off. Is when you're on a dual carriageway and it gets to a bit that's 50, roadworks or whatever. They will plod on at 56, and won't slow down, so you're just doing the speed limit, in lane 1 and they'll tailgate the **** out of you. Rules apply to you too. Idc if you'll lose momentum from 56 to 50, don't speed.

One place this is really evident is M25 clockwise coming up to the QE2 Bridge at dartford crossing. It goes from NSL to 50.
Biggest issue there is in 50mph roadwork stretches for trucks is we are traveling at a calibrated speed, if my speedometer says 50mph I’m doing 50mph, I often can see into cars I’m passing ,especially at night, and their non calibrated digital display is usually reading 53-55mph.

I find lorry drivers are the same, speeding around like they are driving a car.
Empty you can throw around a truck to a surprising degree, loaded not unless your soft in the head.
I fail to understand why truckers dash around, the majority are paid by the hour so have no incentive to speed and a speed record in the cab which the authorities can - and will - use against you.
I feel the same about lorry drivers - I would expect people who drive for a living, to be a cut above the commuters - professionals as you put it. But alas, some of them really aren't - drifting into the hard shoulder, pulling into your lane when you're alongside their trailer, all sorts.

I guess that all the time on the road, just makes them blase.
Just like car drivers, you get good and bad, you tend to notice the bad whilst ignoring the majority of both sets who are good.
Biggest issue there is in 50mph roadwork stretches for trucks is we are traveling at a calibrated speed, if my speedometer says 50mph I’m doing 50mph, I often can see into cars I’m passing ,especially at night, and their non calibrated digital display is usually reading 53-55mph.

This is always going to be a problem regardless of whether it's trucks or cars. I see lorries not slowing down from 56 in a 70, they just plough on into 50s.

On top of that, it's beside the point. Tailgating someone with 20+ tonnes of cargo at 50mph, is moronic and not excusable, especially when the stopping distance on lorries is greater than cars.
Just like car drivers, you get good and bad, you tend to notice the bad whilst ignoring the majority of both sets who are good.

I'm not against lorry drivers. My uncle droves lorries and coaches all his life.

I'm saying that a lot of the newer drivers in recent years don't seem to appreciate the size difference in vehicle. So they will drive too fast for such a big lorry, as though they are driving a car. I'm not even saying they are breaking the law. But driving a big lorry at the speed limit on a small road, like a car would do, can be scary for other people on the road.
This is always going to be a problem regardless of whether it's trucks or cars. I see lorries not slowing down from 56 in a 70, they just plough on into 50s.
Yes quite, it annoys me that car speedometers are not more accurate which would help a bit to alleviate the issue, lots of trucks do ignore limits but by no means the majority.

On top of that, it's beside the point. Tailgating someone with 20+ tonnes of cargo at 50mph, is moronic and not excusable, especially when the stopping distance on lorries is greater than cars.
I didn’t mention tailgating nor do I condone it.

One thing re braking an hgv is they are designed to stop huge weights and modern trucks especially do so remarkably well, to the point where they can - when empty - match some cars braking, the problem is you generally don’t know when following one at motorway speeds if it’s empty or not....
I'm not against lorry drivers. My uncle droves lorries and coaches all his life.

I'm saying that a lot of the newer drivers in recent years don't seem to appreciate the size difference in vehicle. So they will drive too fast for such a big lorry, as though they are driving a car. I'm not even saying they are breaking the law. But driving a big lorry at the speed limit on a small road, like a car would do, can be scary for other people on the road.
I quite agree re newer drivers, and didn’t mean to imply you hate truckers, with regard to new drivers they’ll - hopefully - improve with experience, many new (hgv) drivers think it’s great that a modern truck drives so well and has real handling believe it or not, but, they forget or simply don’t appreciate that such a big vehicle can bite back and will if driven inappropriately to the conditions, alas I see it frequently.
I once saw someone drift a tractor+large trailor in to the opposite lane because he took a downhill corner to quickly. That could have ended badly.
Black cab drivers are great. The rest are just cowboys.

I have to agree with you there, probably because I drove a Black Cab in London for 30 years, but I have to admit that I considered almost every private car driver to be not much more than a nuisance, who could no more read the road, than I could read a book in the Cyrillic alphabet.
I knew what I was doing, and how to get where I was going, while they seemed to delight in getting in the way, aimlessly.
The rest weren’t ALL “cowboys”, sure, they were my competitors, but a lot of them knew what they were doing, they were just trying to get a living, but even with Sat-Navs, they couldn’t compete with us.
Apparently it's also ok to go through a red if it's only been red for a few seconds.
I had this a couple of weeks ago, lights turned green, I started to turn right and a tool jumped the lights and nearly went into the side of me.
Then kicked off as if it was my fault as I quote 'should have waited' :rolleyes:
Cyclists are moving at about 6-20mph unless putting in substantial effort or having gravity/wind/motor assistance.

That's the majority of the drama about cyclists. They are much slower than motor vehicles.
I dont care they're slow, I understand a bicycles speed and also the reasons people choose to ride them. The issues begin when they are not considerate of other road users.
See, I disagree with that. I find it's only ever men who will let me out at junctions when it's not my right of way. Women NEVER do.

With women car drivers I don't think it's being inconsiderate, they only concentrate on the one thing they need to do next.
That's why they slow down or even stop at roundabouts or never thank you.
See, I disagree with that. I find it's only ever men who will let me out at junctions when it's not my right of way. Women NEVER do.

Have to agree with that, when it’s clearly obvious that letting someone out would be the RIGHT thing to do, women often just close the gap, eyes fixed in a 1000 yard stare, while guys will give you a quick light flash to say “go ahead”, reasoning that that’s what they’d like others to do for them.
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