Why buy a Mac?

I'm sorry, but are you on crack? Have you ever used an iMac to edit large TIFF files? Are you one of those that assume because they're standard in the design industry that they will always run better no matter what?

CS3 is Mac native, big whoop. As soon as you get a PC with decent spec the lines are blurred so much its a moot point. If i'de blindly gone out and brought an iMac for the sort of editing i do i'de be very very annoyed. I know this because i use the same Mac i could have brought (20" iMac - £800) at college everyday, and its just nowhere NEAR as fast.

Yes for non-techies who want to get stuff done they do make a lot of sense. I'm simply saying if her brother heard photos and immediately jumped 'Mac', it's not ALWAYS the best solution for her needs.

Photoshop & Illustrator both run fine on my MacBook and can edit large RAW files without problems. My only problem at the moment is I only have 1GB of RAM.

The Web Designer who used to work for me ran CS3 Master + Final Cut Studio and never had any problems with slow downs or lack of responsiveness. In fact he had Motion, Final Cut and Photoshop open editing some video for a production the school was doing for the BBC and it did not skip a beat. Good job seeing as there was a some what tight deadline! ;) He had 24" iMac with 4GB of RAM and a C2D.

You could do all that with a PC, of course, but there is a reason (not just blind faith :p ) Macs are used by the design industry.

Oh and I don't just make blind decisions as an IT Professional I make educated informed decisions and whilst a Mac isn't the answer to every users problems it is my professional opinion that for the average home user they make more sense than a PC.
As for the out of the box argument, the second Microsoft bundle something into Windows the whole world bleats on about stifling competition, the irony of this is Apple binding you into iTunes the second you buy and iPod or of course forcing you to use a certain mobile provider if you want there phone.

You're not bound into using iTunes, you can uninstall it and use whatever music program you want to. Now I'm not an expert but I'm pretty sure that when MS provided Internet Explorer with Windows 98, the same code made up part of the system and so it was very difficult or impossible to uninstall it without messing the whole OS up. Someone correct me if I am wrong here.

I agree with you on the iPhone thing, but the rules seem to vary from country to country - wasn't there a ruling in Germany saying they can't be for just one operator? It's not just the iPhone anyway, n95 Black is or was only available on Vodafone.
by posting in the mac hardware section, you're only going to get supportive answers buddy....i'd be tempted to ask the same question in the windows section. This is coming from a pc/laptop user, i'm not a mac fan
Some of the comments here have made me laugh out loud. Macs not being able to edit large TIFF files effectively? Jeez ... I was editing a large 48 sheet poster on my Mac a few weeks back, it didn't even break a sweat.

I have a three year old PowerMac G5 with 4gb RAM - not state of the art by a long shot and a Core2Duo E6600 running Vista 64 with 4gb RAM.

From my point of view, the simple fact of the matter is, if I want to get things done, I use the Mac. If I want to play games I use the PC.

I'm a graphic and web designer for a living. I depend on my machine to just work. I always *feel* more productive when using the Mac. OS X is smooth, an easy experience where you can forget about the underlying OS and concentrate on getting things done.

I tried moving to Vista and bought the Adobe CS3 Master Collection for it. But I was back on the Mac after a month. I found I was constantly concerned about what Vista was doing in the background. My mind was not on my work.

I'm not slagging Vista, there are certain things I prefer about it to OS X, but the fact remains, I work on the Mac, play on the PC and that is the way it will stay.

Just my 2 penneth ...
by posting in the mac hardware section, you're only going to get supportive answers buddy....i'd be tempted to ask the same question in the windows section. This is coming from a pc/laptop user, i'm not a mac fan

He will get the exact opposite in the Windows section. I.e. Don't buy a Mac as <insert generic Apple falsehood here>

Also, people here are mature enough to say no a Mac isn't right for you. However for the OP's wife it happens to be the best choice.

Shame this thread got trolled. :rolleyes:
There is less I personally can do on a Mac than on a PC.
Not sure about this.

You can run windows on a mac if you want to, so software wise you could do more than a pc. Maybe restricted hardware, but only in terms of certain upgrades (all I can think of is GPU & CPU really).

This subject has been done so many times and windows users have always bashed mac. At the end of the day it's a computer, fanboyism isn't really going to help anyone.

I primarily use mac at home, but also boot winxp (for games) and I use winxp & linux at work aswell as supporting linux systems (I used to mainly use linux as my desktop OS for the past 8+years). So I have used all 3 and like to use mac (& OS X) the most, mainly because of what others have said. They are simple to use, the UI is excellent, the speed is great & the fact you don't really need to worry about getting a virus or spyware (atm).

If you are unsure about spending loads on a mac system, but only want it for browsing the web & basic office apps, I'd say get a 2nd hand mac mini just to give it a try as you can at least still use your current monitor, keyboard and mouse. Or even a new mac mini as they're only £400 or so.

Thanks for all the responses - quite a lot.

I think the wife will buy a MAC. As most of you have said it will do the things that she is most interested in (and also stop her from booting me off my PC).

I can't quite give up the PC just yet as I love messing about with it and find upgrading PC's good fun if expensive. I've also invested a fair bit of cash in PC software and love gaming.

The downside I find is having to make sure you got the latest firewall/ antivirus software up to date.

where do i apply to get back the bit of wasted life i spent reading this?

sorry but there are some seriously flawed arguments (for both platforms) in this thread.

Thanks for all the responses - quite a lot.

I think the wife will buy a MAC. As most of you have said it will do the things that she is most interested in (and also stop her from booting me off my PC).

I can't quite give up the PC just yet as I love messing about with it and find upgrading PC's good fun if expensive. I've also invested a fair bit of cash in PC software and love gaming.

The downside I find is having to make sure you got the latest firewall/ antivirus software up to date.


You'll end up using her Mac more and more until you want one. Are you getting her a MacBook?
I run a 3.2GHz/2GB and 3.0GHz/4GB C2D Vista and Leopard desktops respectively and a Tiger MacBook.

For people who aren’t serious hardware or gaming enthusiasts (those days are behind me), and are willing to spend the money up front for a Mac, the Mac is the best choice in my opinion. Excluding hardware and gaming I can think of no redeeming features of a PC/Vista box.

What are they?
ive got a £1000 Self Built PC which i built for gaming i recently bought a macbook to learn OSX for future career in troubleshooting jobs etc

i havent turned my PC On for 1 month enough said TBH i used to play games about 6 hours a day sometimes 10 on weekends since i haven't even touched a game :)

im now selling, my PC to buy Mac Pro

Enough Said? isnt it? lol
Once you go Mac, you don't go back*

*Unless you're gay. :p

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