20? years ago, we replaced polystyrene burger boxes and cups with paper ones. Nobody protested. Why? Because we weren't inconvenienced in any way.
We (only in the last few years) replaced plastic sticks to stir coffee with wooden ones. Nobody protested. Why? Because we weren't inconvenienced in any way.
Now people find that a paper straw is not as good as a plastic one and so people want to petition and "damn the environment, I want to drink my bucket of sugary water through a straw"? Clearly there are some people who just want to live for the moment and have no concern (or understanding) of the enormous challenges that will face our children and future generations. There will come a time when there are no more plastic straws. How high that will be on humanities list of things to worry about at that moment remains unclear.
I had a cocktail on Monday night (a rare treat) and it came with a paper straw. I realised it was paper after I had mashed the ice with it and it no longer worked. Rather that wish for a plastic straw that will sit in the ground for 400 years (or end up a Turtle's ar5e), I put my mouth to the glass and drank my cocktail. It was very nice.
Given that the oil will run out (it is a finite resource), why don't we at least limit the use plastic for things where it serves a more useful purpose (and where it's longevity is an asset) rather than (the UK alone) creating billions of straws every year and sticking them in a hole in the ground. It's just not a good use of the materials we have to work with.
Paper straws will get better. They will fix it. Meantime, suck it up.