Why do people act like this?

I've had to tell people to shut up twice but unless you go face to face then they will see it as a sign of being weak. It also helps to have a police id card also :P In your case it would have been better to get the security guards that most cinemas have nowadays. Regardless it's horrible to have a film ruined by the idiots that tend to go to the cinema just to ruin other people's experience.

I don't know why also but cineworld seem to be the stomping ground of the moronic chav. I never get this when I go into a showcase cinema!

Problem with going face to face is that it would have ruined other people's experience further.
As would most people.

At the end of the day, these people could have knives or god knows what else.

Is it really worth risking your life potentially for an inconvenience while at the cinema?

I'm not saying people shouldn't stand up for themselves, but the risk rarely outweighs the reward. These are sad times that we live in.

I thought about it. The chances were slim that they were carrying weapns. Even slimmer that they would have used them. As I said, they wouldn't have done anything like stabbing me there. They would have been nabbed. There were lots of people around. My brother said that he wasn't enjoying the film because they were disruptive, and to me that just isn't on.
Of course, all situations are different.

It most certainly is not on and I fully appreciate you stood up to them with the best of intentions, but unless you are a massive guy built like a brick wall (or a ninja :p), a group of mates (read: morons) will rarely be intimidated.

Me and one of my friends had a not too dissimilar thing happen a few years ago, there were a group of idiots being annoying and my friend just knocked out the 'ringleader'.

They all looked terrified all of a sudden, it was an epic moment.

That is quite risky though, I would advise against it!

That's always been my problem. People don't respect or fear me, as I'm 5'4 and 7.5 stone. I suppose next time I'll ignore it and let the big boys handle it.
I went to watch Inception and it was completely ruined by a couple of middle aged drunks in their 40s/50s , not even bloody teenagers, this was the complaint / reply i sent to Odeon.

They said they would react if people complained, so if its an issue give it a go, i my case i waited till the end of the film before confronting them and it nearly ended in violence, i walked away before i did something i regret ( im actually 6ft and 18 stone so size isnt normally a problem, although i hate voilence and havent had a fight since school, but the image often works) . If its ruining the film , risk losing 5 mins of it to complain loudly to the staff , maybe it will work, i havent tried it yet , i normally go straight to obnoxious and threatening which one day soon wont end well ..

Anyways imagine a fat northern chavvy **** ****ed up shouting "Eh Leo listen to Ellen Page" and similar horribly unfunny comments throughout the film.

Ok thanks, I'm going to write a similar letter of complaint :)
I've just written this complaint letter:

Today I watched Karate Kid at 3:40 with my 10 year old brother. I am 16. There was a group of about 5 or 6 people who came in being loud and using abusive language. There were around 14-16 years old.

Before the film they had some trouble with the member of staff as they were in the wrong seats and were not being polite. My brother says that somebody threw a penny at him. I am very sure it was someone from this group of people.

During the film, they were very loud and disruptive, and their language was foul and violent. I could tell that people were getting annoyed, but nobody did anything. I myself was unable to go and tell a member of staff, as I could not leave my brother on his own, and I did not want to miss the film. Not to mention I was right at the end of the row, against the wall. So I told them to shut up, as I was very fed up. They then hurled insults and threats at me, but were quiet after that.

After the film, I walked out and the group were waiting for me at the entrance to the screen. They shoved me against a wall and a couple of member started punching me. It was enough to make my little brother cry. The public helped to stop them and they walked away and then ran off.

I am frustrated that no members of staff were present during the film, nor was any of their behaviour caught on the cameras in the screen room itself. I would like to request that there is a member of staff present in each screen during a film, so that in future people like this are unable to disrupt the experience for other people.

I am very frustrated that this incident occurred, I am going to find it difficult to continue seeing films at the cinema because of the chance of my film being ruined by loud, abusive and disruptive people.

Thanks very much
I forget about formality, when I'm writing emails :p
Thanks lads, changes made. What'd be really helpful is if someone could also send an email and say they saw the incident, or something like that :D
It's Harrow, that **** NEVER works! :\

One of the main reasons I moved out of there, the entire city centre is infested with *rhymes with bankers*.

Harrow Vue yeah?

Harrow is full of disgusting little bumholes with nothing to do but cause trouble and act hard in front of their mates/little slags.

I've always been under the impression that Harrow (on the hill) is supposed a nice, maybe even posh area. That's what my geography teacher said
I think it's also worth noting that the majority of people are actually extremely pleasant, and it's only a minority that choose to act in a less than savoury manner. That's one of the reasons they stick out more, because it's much less often that you experience then, compared to when you experience nice individuals.

I used to think that people were just horrible disgusting creatures and over the last year I've taken huge steps to convince myself that people are generally nice, and now this happens, I'm really confused. I'm not totally unconvinced now, because afterwards people were saying "are you ok?"
I don't see what is worth noting there.
Of course its a scummy minority of disrespectful kids.
What is the point you are trying to make?

Or are you saying we should ignore it because most people aren't like that?

I think he was trying to say that we shouldn't lose our faith in humanity, because of a few bad experiences :)
At the bus station, really? I use it all the time, especially when I'm with my brother. But that's only when I take him to the cinema/shops, and I assume most of the muggings and stabbings happen at night? In fact I heard that the bridge near northwick park station is really common for muggings. I use it all the time :eek:

That's really shocking to know, but useful. Thanks :)
Why on earth didnt you simply tell the staff and have them ejected?

1. Couldn't really leave - was at the wrong end of the row, lotta fatties on my row

2. Didn't want to leave my brother alone in there.

3. Didn't want to miss the film

Thinking back, I should have told them, and negotiated my way to tickets for another viewing.
Unfortunately, if you live in a smallish town this isn't really an option, if you want to continue having quiet nights out.

All it takes is one of his mates to recognise you whilst you're trying to have a quiet meal/drinks and it can ruin your night.

That's my other small problem. I go to Harrow alone quite often as well, so I'm just a little weary of running into them again :(
Unfortunately, that's the main problem, utter scum breeding utter scum.

In which case, it's not entirely their fault.

But at some point surely they must realise, what they are doing is wrong?
I suppose people like this prove that a conscience is not an inherent moral knowledge of right and wrong, but is an environmental knowledge of right and wrong.
There is an awful lot of ignorance, racism and intolerance in this thread. I grew up in Uganda/Kenya as my dad worked for an oil company out there. Going to the cinema there and it is quite an experience. It's culturally acceptable to talk, comment, shout, etc during the movie (especially at exciting parts), it's just the way they enjoy the experience.

Erm what? It has nothing to do with the fact it was a group of black people

These people were shouting and talking about completely irrelevant stuff. They were using abusive and rude language, while there were many children in the screen. During the moments when there is silence in the film, that is a time when people are totally absorbed into what is happening on screen, and yet one of them started beatboxing.

Are you telling me that this group got their enjoyment from the experience by ruining it for others? :rolleyes:

It's perfectly acceptable to wait outside after the film to beat them? It's not about one particular group of people, that's the point you've missed. It's about anybody who ruins the enjoyment of other people.
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