Why do people act like this?

Let us assume that we were only talking about black people. This is now a hypothetical situation.

YOU are the one who is being ignorant. You are saying with that post that all black people shout during films :confused:
In fact you've gone so far as to say that it is a characteristic of black people to shout during a film. That is closest thing that this thread has to racism. Also, didn't you read the 1st post? The BNP hate me too :rolleyes:
Not where they are from. And it's not just the cinema, if you've ever been to an African church you'll see it there too. It's perfectly acceptable cultural behaviour.

Would you go to a Black Baptist church in the USA, or an African Church and start telling people to STFU because they are too loud?? I would hope not!

Once again, I must stress that these people were not just being loud. They were using foul language, throwing things at people, beatboxing etc. One of them even got a phonecall in the middle of the film, with a very loud ringtone, and they answered it and started talking!
"Our society", you mean white society? Digging yourself deeper.

Seriously just lighten up a bit and go with the flow. If you actually opened your mind to new cultures you might even make some friends. Personally I really like vibrant African culture.

A cinema is a place where ANYONE should be allowed to go, not just pasty faced anglo saxon protestants.

Dude. how many times do I have to say this?
You are missing the point!

This has absolutely nothing to do with African culture, why can you not realise that? Are you telling me that it should be perfectly acceptable for people to swear and be abusive and violent in a cinema?
First of all, I missed this thread when it first appeared, so congratulations OP! You did well standing up for yourself and what I believe to be doing the right thing!

Thanks :)
As I've said before though, I'm being hit with paranoid thoughts about seeing them in harrow again, and then being bothered by them. I only really have to go once more this year though hopefully. I've decided it's going to be September 4th, early Friday morning, to get some folders in time for school
URBAN, or what you might disparagingly call "ghetto", not SUBURBAN. You don't see "rednecks" (BTW that's a racist term in itself) in urban cinemas.

You're not helping the thread just angering people. And not only that, but you're dodging the key issues. It's not about black people or shouting at cinema screens.

It's about people using foul language, being disruptive and ruining other people's cinema experience.

Seeing as you're not prepared to reply back to posts like this which address the main issues, I suggest you leave read the thread and not post in it, you haven't read it carefully enough.
I've decided that if I need anything, I can just shop online for the next couple of weeks. After that, I can just go to Horsham

Oh and thank you to EVERYBODY who has posted in the thread thusfar, I've read every single reply, and interpreted it in a way to lighten me up. Thank you
To be honest, I doubt that they harass lots of people. Because at first, just before the film started, the biggest of the lads, and the one who shoved me said:

"excuse me, please could you move up so that my friend can sit here... thanks"

So at the very least, they had grasp of extremely basic manners. I'd imagine they're the type that wouldn't harass people that they had nothing against, so to speak.
I really don't want this thread to get locked. There have been some very helpful and consoling answers, and lots of solid advice as well.

I think that unless we ignore Kwerk, this thread will get locked
I've learnt the semi-hard way that in order to deal successfully situations like this, you either have to be huge and scary, or have a few mates with you. Otherwise, just go tell the staff.

Oh and thanks Dons :)
The OP's situation sums up why I hate England these days. Of course not everyone is like those in the OP's story but it is increasingly more and more common for people in society to act these ways. Me, me, me and no concern for anyone else or the consequences.

Look forward to the day when me and the lass have the money to move away, nowhere is perfect but I am less and less enthused with this country by the day.

When I'm old enough I'd like to move somewhere much nicer, but still in this country. I'll probably do a spec me thread in a few years for that :p
Whenever I hear about something like this it just gets me really angry, how can people behave like this towards someone else?

I think there are only two ways to deal with people like this:

1. Back off/walk away.
2. Pick the biggest from the group and take him down, not hard if you surprise him and will make the other, smaller ones think twice.

Personally I don't think it's often worth doing 2 and almost any situation, if handled well, can be resolved without the need for violence.

A lot of people in the thread told me to walk away, but they surrounded me then shoved me against the wall, there was no way I could have escaped.
I'm pretty sure you posted something along the lines off that you didn't want to walk out to alert staff as doing so would mean you would have had to walk past them/come into close contact.

Surely that is intimidation no?

well it was more to do with the fact that if I walked past, and a few minutes later they get chucked out, they'd know it was me
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