Why do people lie on the internet?

I'm pro lying on the internets. Get it all out of your system on the internet I say, and save the good stuff for RL™.
You may be surprised to hear this from me since you do not know me personally. The purpose of my introduction is that I am Mbeki Salingo, the first son of MERIMBE TUTU SALINGO ,the most popular black farmer in Zimbabwe who was recently murdered in the land dispute in my country.

As you may expect a large amount of money was left over. In order for me to access this money I will need the help of someone in Europe. If you will help me I will share some of the proceeds from this investment.
I'm more honest online than off. I find that most of the lies I see on forums are posted by people that are either trying to win an argument or are desperate to agitate others.
Its usually reasonably easy to spot lies, even when they are written.

The eggface story is probably true, the car accident one, probably isnt
1) There is a problem with people who always think someone is lying automatically.

2) I dont lie on this forum (which is the only forum i use)

3) I do write insane stuff sometimes, the extremes are usually because i get a bit over the top - The point is the main thing

4) i dont tell people in real life about my "insane" views because very very few people agree, so i say them on the forum because i dont know any of you so when i close the browser i dont care

5) when i do lie in real life, i dont pretend to be a doctor or a rich guy, it almost always is me pretending to care about something, which btw is extremely hard
I don't understand lying at all to be honest. On the internet or in real-life, it surely can't make you feel good. The liars get caught out always aswell...

God I hate liars. :(
Because they're bored and have nothing better to do. Or they're trolling. Or, as I've always suspected people worryingly lose and gain self esteem over the internet. It's obvious and pretty weird at the same time.
If I was to ask you if you had ever lied on the internet, would you answer to that question be the same as your answer to this question?
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