Why do some people do this? (overtaking related)

7 Dec 2002
I'm on my way home from work the other night, at about 8:40pm and theres a long, very wide stretch of road that is an NSL with a roundabout half way down for 2 country lanes to join on to it.

So i'm on my way down the 1st bit and half way along i have to slow down to 35MPh for someone in a silver Ford KA (this is in a 60), there were cars coming the other way so i just sat behind it.

Got to the roundabout still behind it but had to wait a sec because of someone not indicating but they turned off.

So i carry on & catch it up again a couple of seconds after coming off the roundabout, only 1 car coming the other way but its miles away.

I was in my dads old Volvo 940 which is a bit on the sluggish side but i thought i aint sitting at 35 the rest of the way so indicated & moved out to overtake.

As i passed the KA the driver floors it as if they were trying to keep level with me, :eek: by the time i pulled in i was doing 70 (it takes an age for that volvo to hit 70) and the approaching car was bloody close, close enough for him to flash his lights at me to make sure i had seen him.

But then they dropped right back and another car ended up overtaking them behind me. :confused:
I really don't know

I've had it happen to me before

It's stupid, dangerous and pointless

Sometimes I'll have to abort because they've hit the accelerator and drop back. They then promptly slam on their brakes and slow right down again, only to hit the accelerator as soon as I try to overtake them

Once I overtook someone who did that but I got in front. He came right up close to my bumper, blasted his horn, flashed his lights then backed off.

Some people must just loose their minds when driving
There's some idiots out there. I got stuck behind a taxi like this the other week when I went to Peterlee. He was travelling along at 50 on an NSL road, I couldn't overtake because of the double lines so I waited until I got to a dual carriageway. I didn't go flying past him (there was no need or so I thought) and he started out accelerating me when I nearly got level so I had to pull back in behind him.
Along comes the single carriageway and he's back down to 50.
Then we reach a crawler lane and he shot away from me slowing down to 50 on the single carriageway.

Once I got past him he seemed to pace me at about 65 :confused:.
Ive had this happen to me before. The reason i think they did it was because it was a a guy with 3 girls in the back of the car and they were showing off :mad:
I had to abort the over take and pull in behind him and i was stuck behind him all the way home for about 30 kms
Isnt this normal? Ive found I get at least 2 problems every drive I do even if its too the shop. Drivers these days are cocky and stressed. This has happened to me too but luckily I could speed up and pass :/

Best thing to do is ignore them and stay calm.
same thing almost caused me to stop my car and have some major road rage!
only reason i didnt was because the wife started shouting at me as i started slowing the other car down behind me :/
I did this exact thing on the last OcUK RR day Im ashamed to admit. I left early on Saturday morning around 8am and driving down a NSL country lane at 65mph so I was already going fast enough. This boy in a Corsa decided to tail gate me so close that I couldnt see his headlights.

This carried on for about 4 miles until we hit this long straight where you can see quite a long way into the distance. So he starts to overtake, and this car appears coming the opposite direction. As he pulls out, I start to accelerate and he starts to pull along side, he realises hes not going to get past so he starts to brake, and so did I. By this time hes ******* his pants so I start to accelerate and he pulls in all in good time.

Im not proud of it, and its something I never do normally but it did make him modify his driving after that as he sat well back from me after that. :o
Should have dropped back behind him and slapped all your lights on tbh. What an idiot :confused:

Edit: Bear, if someone is stupid enough to tailgate that close then they deserve that kind of behaviour. It will make them think twice next time. I get it all the time on the bike and they get a dose of my lights until I pass them again.
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*sigh* the advantages of owning a car that it's quite obvious you don't really give a **** about it......

When this happens to me and they just stay along side me in the Toyota, I just slowly start moving back over into the original lane. They get the hint REAL quick that I'm not going to stop moving over just because they want to play a little game.

That leaves them four options :
1. Accellerate enough to get ahead of me before impact.
2. Slow down enough before impact.
3. Allow impact and try and explain to state trooper why I had to move into them (because they were breaking the law).
4. Retain speed and position and continue to move over until they end up in the ditch or clipping a mail box.

Generally it is option number 2. Only once has it been number 4. Never option 1 or 3.

And if someone wants to tailgate me, be my guest. I need a new car. Would be nice if it was compliments of thier insurance.......

"Oh, I'm sorry officer. That deer ran out in front of me and they were too close to stop before smashing the whole rear end of my car in. When do I get my new car then?????"
Bear said:
I did this exact thing on the last OcUK RR day Im ashamed to admit. I left early on Saturday morning around 8am and driving down a NSL country lane at 65mph so I was already going fast enough. This boy in a Corsa decided to tail gate me so close that I couldnt see his headlights.

This carried on for about 4 miles until we hit this long straight where you can see quite a long way into the distance. So he starts to overtake, and this car appears coming the opposite direction. As he pulls out, I start to accelerate and he starts to pull along side, he realises hes not going to get past so he starts to brake, and so did I. By this time hes ******* his pants so I start to accelerate and he pulls in all in good time.

Im not proud of it, and its something I never do normally but it did make him modify his driving after that as he sat well back from me after that. :o

Ok the guy in the Corsa was a **** but to be honest what you did was stupidly endanger the lives of several people just to make a point when you could have just let the idiot go past and be done with it.
This is one of my pet hates, it drives me mad.

It's a complete non-issue in the Rex as I'm around them and past before they even realise they are being overtaken, but in the Estima I have to plan my overtaking in advance, and I have to drop back to get the momentum up.

Obviously this is only save on long, straight roads with plenty of visibilty. But when I've got all the momentum up and start to overtake it drives me mad when they decide to speed up and not let me past, I have no choice but to abort and drop back in behind them. I then procede to give the all the gestures known to man, put my full beam on and hold on to the horn for about 5 minutes.....
Because they are dangerous idiots, to be perfectly honest.

Single lane overtaking is probably the most risky move that can be attempted when driving, but it's perfectly safe provided you know the capablility of the car you're in, have enough clear visible road and the other driver isn't acting like a pleb.

Some people seem to take being overtaken as an affront to their man(or woman)hood, and react in stupid ways.

If someone wants to overtake me, they are welcome to do so if they are travelling quicker than me (and want to risk their licence that way) but I expect the same courtesy when I'm overtaking.

Of course, the fact I ususally follow the "doubling rule" when overtaking helps prevent people do it to me. (the basic concept being that for safety and minimum exposure to risk such as driving on the wrong side of the road, you should be aiming for doubling the other cars speed as you go past)
Heh, Dolph. In the Neon or the truck, the doubling rule isn't a problem. But in the Toyota? Hahahahahaha!! It just plain runs out of nuts at 75-80mph!! :D

We're talking about a car that (when new) takes 17 seconds to get to 60mmph!! You can imagine what the 55-75mph time is!! LOL

So overtaking in that thing is a thoroughly thought out process that takes into consideration anything that can happen in the next 5 MILES when the car being passed is doing 55-60!! :p

Fully loaded semi tractor trailers out accelerate that stupid thing from 60-75!! :eek:
I had this happen to me this morning, i was overtaking this mondeo tdci which was doing about 60 on the M23, pulled in to the outside lane and he floors it, gets level with me and sits there so i end up pulling back and in behind him, then pull over to the inside lane because he's hogging the middle one.

I HATE other drivers so much :mad:
I had exactly the same happen to me, a woman driving a red Ford Ka.

Doing 30-40 in a 60 going down hill, clear for about a mile, I move out to overtake and she just accelerates hard as soon as I draw level with her, leaving me travelling at the same speed as her with my rear quarter still level with her front...

Only time I've ever considered just pulling in for the sake of it and putting her in the fence then saying "well, I was overtaking didn't you see?" ...

Instead I had to be boring and drop back because she was so persistant that by the time I'd realised what a plank she was being traffic had appeared that was oncoming :mad:

Had to sit behind her for another 3 miles doing 40mph, as yes, she slowed down afterwards. Took so much satisfaction in blowing her away come the A5....G'bye!
How to stop tailgaters - Keep right foot on accelerator and give a quick jab on the brakes with left foot. Car slows very quickly & regains original speed instantly & usually scares the living daylights out of the person behind.
I don't tend to get people accelerating as I overtake them, except maybe on the Motorway a couple of times.

What I do get is this:

  • People blaring their full beam at me. Sometimes it's the person I'm overtaking. They give long, furious blasts of the main beam in an attempt to do what exactly? :confused: Sometimes this is done by cars coming towards me - cars a LONG way away. Sure, if I was 50 metres from them and still well committed on the wrong side of the road I would understand. But when they start flashing like crazy when I'm over 200metres away? What's that all about!?
  • Overtaking a line of cars when one of the random ones in the middle, often seems be a van for some unknown reason, lurches out as I'm overtaking the line. When you are going to perform an overtake, then please please check BEHIND you as well as in front of you.
Did read somewhere that "our Tone" & his cronies looked at the possibility of making overtaking on single lane roads illegal.................
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