Why do some people do this? (overtaking related)

Lopéz said:
  • People blaring their full beam at me. Sometimes it's the person I'm overtaking. They give long, furious blasts of the main beam in an attempt to do what exactly? :confused: Sometimes this is done by cars coming towards me - cars a LONG way away. Sure, if I was 50 metres from them and still well committed on the wrong side of the road I would understand. But when they start flashing like crazy when I'm over 200metres away? What's that all about!?

Yeah, that drives me mad too. I mean, WTF???
Lopéz said:
I don't tend to get people accelerating as I overtake them, except maybe on the Motorway a couple of times.

What I do get is this:
  • People blaring their full beam at me. Sometimes it's the person I'm overtaking. They give long, furious blasts of the main beam in an attempt to do what exactly? :confused: Sometimes this is done by cars coming towards me - cars a LONG way away. Sure, if I was 50 metres from them and still well committed on the wrong side of the road I would understand. But when they start flashing like crazy when I'm over 200metres away? What's that all about!?
  • Overtaking a line of cars when one of the random ones in the middle, often seems be a van for some unknown reason, lurches out as I'm overtaking the line. When you are going to perform an overtake, then please please check BEHIND you as well as in front of you.

Can relate to all three of those, and also the scenario pointed out in the OP.

Really don't understand some people's mentality when it comes to being overtaken :mad:

If someone is actually going quicker than me, I'll let them past by all means, but why prevent someone from overtaking you, that has blatently caught you up doing around double your max speed? :confused:
Has Mickey D finally fallen asleep then? I make it about 4 or 5am his time when he posted above :D
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Firestar_3x said:
Not that overtaking anyone will be a problem in your next car ;)

Hasn't been a real issue in this one yet, most people run out of bottle before this car runs out of top end ;)
I got this last night on the way home.

Driving along a B road, farmer in a pickup sat parked up, half on half off the road. Lets the car in front of me pass (was about 50m behind it - doing 60. straight bit of road) - pulls out in front of me and then proceeds to not bother to accellerate at all. Cheers mate...

5 mins later..... Overtook someone doing about 50, on a dead straight bit of the A19, nothing coming the other way apart from something that came round a corner (about half a mile away) when I was level with the car I was overtaking.

Car coming other way puts its main beams on just as I'm pulling back in front of the overtakee - at this point it's about 300m away. It keeps its lights on until it's almost level with me...leaving me thinking "wtf?"

Later on, as I'm nearing home I come up behind a Highways Agency flatbed transit thing. It's doing about 55, so I stick behind it at a reasonable (safe) distance.

Follow it for about 4 miles then all of a sudden it slows down to 25, puts its hazards on for 3 flashes, then accellerates off to 80-odd.... what's that about?
This has happened to me a few times now.

Now I just plan for the worst. Every time it's happened i've been commited and kept my foot firmly on the throttle, giving them a special wave as I pull in front.

Bunch of ******* idiots.
I've never had a speed issue when overtaking but I did have one nice chap try to ram me off the road. I think he guessed that I was rather annoyed when I stopped blocking most of the road and proceded to get out of my car. Luckily for both of us he drove off looking rather worried and I had 5 minutes at the side of the road to calm down.
I've had it happen to me on so many occasions that I've lost count. Its an odd trait of the human mind, e.g. I'll sit here at 40mph in this NSL road quite safe, oh wait someones overtaking me, I cant let them do that, I'm going to speed up......

It happens on Motorways and dual carriage ways to. Just two nights ago I had a run in with a new shape Accord, everyone sitting comfortably:

New Accord sitting at 65mph on a dual carriage way, I overtake doing 70mph, I notice the car has now speeded up to match my speed. Ok I think, quick blip of the throttle and I'm by and in the inside lane again, they pull out and roar by at 80 odd mph for a minute or two and then slow down to 65mph again.

I catch them up, get to a roundabout and they slowly accelerate at the exit, so again I overtake. I overtake with ease this time and sit at 70mph again, said Accord driver was rather unimpressed and this time accelerated to well past 90 odd mph (eventually, the new Accords aint that quick ;) ). Then they settle back to 65mph and I slowly catch them again, aarrrrggghhhh.

Get to another roundabout, again they start playing games (single lane exit this time as its a slip road leading to another dual carriageway). They slowly accelerate, I'm sitting behind at a safe distance as I really cant be bothered with this now. Then for no reason they floor it, now about half way down the slip road (I didnt have any trouble keeping up ;)). I decided that I valued my life more than these muppets so sat back on purpose now, caught up with them again though, god do these people have any comon sense?

Lopéz said:
What I do get is this:

  • People blaring their full beam at me. Sometimes it's the person I'm overtaking. They give long, furious blasts of the main beam in an attempt to do what exactly? :confused: Sometimes this is done by cars coming towards me - cars a LONG way away. Sure, if I was 50 metres from them and still well committed on the wrong side of the road I would understand. But when they start flashing like crazy when I'm over 200metres away? What's that all about!?

Get a car with some Xenon headlights. Its amazing how quickly, those that flash for the reason above, stop flashing when you give them a flash of full Xenon artificial sunlight ;). To borrow a quote "thezzz gogglezzzz theyzzzz do novvving". Driving with full beam on like that to intentionally blind another driver isnt funny, so a return flash of a few million watts is the best way to sort it out.

There we go, rant over, things like that drive me nuts :(.
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i was on my way home from work on monday night about 10pm, i had a corsa in front of me doing about 40 in a NSL road, the road is winding but i know it very well, so i overtook him when i was safe, next thing i had him in my mirror right up my arse as i was accellerating, was quite scary so i kept accellerating and so did he, ended up to speeds of 80mph on this dark road, andway, got to the end, turned off and he sat back probably realises what a moron he was being.
Arc said:
Get a car with some Xenon headlights. Its amazing how quickly, those that flash for the reason above, stop flashing when you give them a flash of full Xenon artificial sunlight ;). To borrow a quote "thezzz gogglezzzz theyzzzz do novvving". Driving with full beam on like that to intentionally blind another driver isnt funny, so a return flash of a few million watts is the best way to sort it out.
And you honestly feel better knowing you've just blinded a person driving straight towards you are over 100mph. Good thinking. I dont like people even flashing their lights to say thankyou. Lovely gesture. Thanks - now have some blindness. :p

I never have a problem overtaking. As drexel said about the rex. By the time they know whats happening, I'm past.
Bug One said:
And you honestly feel better knowing you've just blinded a person driving straight towards you are over 100mph. Good thinking. I dont like people even flashing their lights to say thankyou. Lovely gesture. Thanks - now have some blindness. :p

Did I say that? If their driving at me with full beam on I'll give em a quick flash (a polite way of saying turn your full beam off now, I cant actually see where I'm going you daft twit ;) ). By quick I mean quick, if I drove at them with full beam on I'd be as bad as them.

Might just be this area, seems to be when it gets dark speeds drop to 40 odd mph in NSL roads and full beam is either permanently on (no matter whats coming the other way) or its the land of the head light flashers.
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