Why does grated cheese taste better?



9 Nov 2004
follow me....

slice some cheese and make a sandwich. now grate some cheese (from the same block, i hasten to add) and make another sandwich. use marg or butter if you must.

why is it that the grated one tastes on average 47x better than the non-grated one? i fear i've stumbled on a scientific anomaly that will baffle scientists for at least 13 minutes.
I've thought about this before it is also the same for cheese on toast, sadly i've yet to come up with a theory as to why this is, can anyone help us out?
Maybe its because the cheese is not in one lump, therefore you dont have much of it as you would in a sliced form.....

actually that could be complete rubbish and I have no idea :)
Could it be that there is more surface area on the cheese allowing more to touch your tastebuds, allowing the heavenly experience to be enjoyed to the full?

Either that or its just because it is that way :p
It's because a grater is 47x harder to clean than a knife, life sucks like that. :mad:
Yewen said:
Could it be that there is more surface area on the cheese allowing more to touch your tastebuds, allowing the heavenly experience to be enjoyed to the full?

this is a conclusion that i pondered for some time. the surface area:volume ratio may have something to do with it, but i'm underqualified to investigate further :(

Yewen said:
Either that or its just because it is that way :p

oi! less of that defeatest attitude! if science can explain why we dont fall off the planet when it's upside down, then it can damn sure explain why my grated cheese sandiwch tastes better than my non-grated one! :p

Tru said:
It's because a grater is 47x harder to clean than a knife, life sucks like that.

conversely, it's no more difficult to chuck either a cheese plane/cheese grater in the dishwasher. crazy Scots!
William said:
Probably because Sic is talking crap, sliced tastes better! :D

oh my god. get out. get out now.

Neon said:
i agree cheese sucks, tuna and sweetcorn > cheese.

oi you. if you want to talk about your newfangled sandwich flavours, start your own thread. this one is for the grated cheese conundrum. i want to hear no more about your crazy, youthful Tuna and Sweetcorn ideals!

*wanders off mumbling about the youth of today*
same reason I always wondered why a ripple or flake tastes better than a bar of galaxy/dairy milk

must be something to do with textures.
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