Why have people voted for Boris?

Because he is a very good politician.

Even though the only word you can really describe as being is a buffoon most of the time he knows what needs to be done and he can do it.

I know I would vote for him any day of Ken Livingstone.
Because Ken is Labour and at the moment Labour have shown great stupidity and incompetance so he is suffering for their faults.
It's because he's Boris Johnson. I imagine that many of his votes will have been as a result of his somewhat cult status. I personally think that London has done very well with Ken Livingstone, and would have voted him for another term, if I'd registered in time :o

Edit: This is what I mean :p
Boris is a legend :D
Oh, and he's awesome.
Because he's called Boris, it adds humour to the political landscape, a feeling of humour deprivation has increased the resentment to raised taxes and the like, and with the obvious addition to the comedy value of British democracy, there is a chance for another party to be voted in who may decrease, or stabilise the taxes.

I myself vote in Northern Ireland and vote a mixture of Alliance, SDLP and UUP, depending on who sounds better at the time and thus meaning I have no say in British politics.
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