Why have people voted for Boris?

On a serious note I voted for Ken, because I thought he's done a good job and I saw no reason to choose someone else. I don't detest Boris in any way, he gave a good speech this evening and if he does a good job then I'll vote for him next time. My concern was that he is totally without experience.

Then again, if he screws it up, the conservative will be shafted at the next election. He can't be distanced from david cameron, they've got too much in common. He's got to do well now....
K livingstone has pandered to the hippies and loony left for far too long, I'm not saying that Boris is ideal but at least he will stand up to the vocal minorities

It's time the silent majority in this country had their say
Thats the game of politics.

The art is to counter attack in style, wisdom and charisma.

Just like the NIXON KENEDY campaign.

I agree that healthy debate is vital. Although I thought Paddick took things a tad too far. Boris isn't the greatest when it comes to the spoken word, but when you actually take the time to listen it makes sense.
[TW]Fox;11617596 said:
Becuase he isn't Ken Livingstoke and doesn't practice politics of envy.

That would be a good part of it. The other part has nothing to do with politics, and has more to do with him being a lot more likeable than Ken Livingstone....that said, I have a sneaking suspicion that even Stalin was more likeable than Red Ken.
I've heard Boris hadn't lived in London before the campaign. Surely that will have a bearing on his time in office. It's hard to appreciate some points people raise if you don't have to experience them yourself. I guess you could say that about most politicians though :/

I dunno, something just doesn't sit right with me. We have this great country and the best bloke we could find to run its capital is Boris? Come on...
I would rather have Boris than the vast majority of politicians. He might not be gifted in twisting what he has to say so that he never actually has to answer a question, but at least he is up-front about who he is etc unlike the slimy eels that usually run the show.
I dunno, something just doesn't sit right with me. We have this great country and the best bloke we could find to run its capital is Boris? Come on...

I don't know, I find it quite fitting. London is an odd place at the best of times, Boris is fairly odd, they seem to go hand in hand.
I've heard Boris hadn't lived in London before the campaign. Surely that will have a bearing on his time in office. It's hard to appreciate some points people raise if you don't have to experience them yourself. I guess you could say that about most politicians though :/

To be fair the sort of life led by Ken Livingstone doesn't really give him any great insight in to the lives of ordinary Londoners. Unless they jet off to communist countries on a regular basis...
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