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You’re not wrongGoing by the naming of 4K, 1080 should be called 2K
You’re not wrongGoing by the naming of 4K, 1080 should be called 2K
Soooo… you ignored everyone who disagreed with you?
Your specific opinion is the minority… even in your own thread, targeting support for your idea…
How does one talk to someone who has literally gone public stating they can’t see the information that’s right in front of their face that everyone else can?
Your thread is literally created from the idea that others can see what you can’t… it’s the basic premise and trying to validate you as you are now… yet typical cognitive bias led to to regularly reply to informative posts by repeating yourself instead of actually noticing it.
Maybe I’m the only one who’s on the verge of helping you pay more attention to the world around you… but of course, you’ll only ever read this as a narcissistic intent… I couldn’t simply be surprised and working for you to take note… like I said, we see others as we are, and you labelled me without exploring my intent… so what does that say about you?
It’s ok to notice and accept your own personal limits… it’s not a fun part of life, but it’s real… how have I actively tried to hurt you other than get your attention to call you on your bull****? I don’t have to sugar coat it for your sensibilities… those who did try that, were clearly and regularly ignored…
The world around me does not equate to the truth... I don't, that is why I have backed facts, not just me... a sheep can be a sheep and led to a field full of beauty or the slaughter. Money involved? You can gather there is some slaughtering going on, the animal will otherwise take too much from them, the animal is a threat to their empire and existence.
One thing you are hell bent on for sure though is being correct even in light of all intellectual capability here, evidence or none.
There is only you arguing so hard and trying to paint me as something I am not and you have failed miserably, you won't stop because you have a weak ego, so you must continue.Again clearly avoiding the point at hand, I didn’t expect much more. The world around me, the majority of people in this thread, the majority of technology adopters with buying power… the basic science… all disagree with you and the hilariously distance/resolution scale diagram that was posted out of context. I tried to balance it with relevant information, but as expected… you ignored the information because it didn’t agree with you. Just like all other narcissistic people…
At least I attempted to offered a balanced perspective and development of information… but you’re not capable of that, are you?
Best of luck to you
Such ******** requires some form of scientific justification. It is clearly subjective and not objective… I’ve been 5m (17ish ft) from my 77” OLED since 2018
By your graph I shouldn’t be able to notice any benefit beyond 720p! That’s hilarious!!! I can tell the bitrate difference in 4 streams without even trying. I am keen to jump on the 97” 8k panel when it comes out… for my own enjoyment… I rarely host anyone beyond my family or closest friends, the gains are only for my own enjoyment.
Human visual system limitation
The human visual system has a fixed capacity to detect detail from a distance. Our understanding of limitations with regard to visual detail recognition and identification from a distance is primarily based on the work of Dr. Hermann Snellen. Dr. Snellen developed the eye examination chart that bears his name (Snellen chart). From his findings and the work of others over the last hundred years, one arcminute is seen as the threshold beyond which critical detail cannot be identified[40] by a person with normal vision.[41][42][43] An arcminute is an angular measurement, which is equal to 1/60 of one degree of a circle. Normal vision is referenced as 20/20 or 6/6 vision in North America and Europe respectively.[43][44] The visual acuity threshold has been identified as a constraint factor in the recommendations on the optimum viewing distance for HDTV,[35] and also in formal research that comment on the subject of television and angular resolution.[10][45][46][47] Assuming display is flat, with 1 arcminute as the constraint for seeing critical detail, in order not to miss any detail a viewer would need to be situated at a position where their view angle to a 1080p HDTV is approximately 31.2 degrees or greater (32 degrees for spherical display), for 2160p HDTV approximately 58.37 degrees or greater (64 degrees for spherical display) and for 4320p HDTV approximately 96.33 degrees or greater (128 degrees for spherical display).[10][24] However, there is not always agreement that the Snellenian limit should be the constraining factor.
Which was why I went from a 42” Panasonic plasma to a OLED C9, there was no way I was dealing with crappy backlight issues.Can I mention how great my plasma was when watching movies due to having full panel res great motion, or will the 4k OLED guys come after me(yes I do have an OLED)
Still to this day I cannot see a visual difference between a high-end 1080P screen and a 4K one.
the only differences I found were from panel quality and the benefits of colour reproduction, not resolution.
The human visual system has a fixed capacity to detect detail from a distance.
It is of course zoomed in to more easily show the difference, but it's fairly representative of the real world difference. When I tried a 27" 1080p monitor after being used to 4K it looked remarkably blurry and difficult to focus on text. I guess we all must be imagining it though and you are right.Both of those images are zoomed right in.. and my eye sight blurs to crap at that distance. 20cm from my face starts to strain my eyes.
They zoomed in to show a difference, not from any kind of normal distance and no the black lines don't do anything to colour.
I like how above and that other user use their facts with no backing and try to bring down people who are qualified in such matters.
Hilarious to see.
Maybe my vision is extremely sharp like eagle
When I tried a 27" 1080p monitor after being used to 4K it looked remarkably blurry and difficult to focus on text.
It is of course zoomed in to more easily show the difference, but it's fairly representative of the real world difference. When I tried a 27" 1080p monitor after being used to 4K it looked remarkably blurry and difficult to focus on text. I guess we all must be imagining it though and you are right.
Surely the bitrate would also make a huge difference (most likely even far more of a difference then resolution)Not just my limitations. This is for 20:20 vision. My limitations mean I have to sit closer, go bigger, or wear my glasses to see the benefit. But there are a lot of people that will own and use higher resolution screens than they need to![]()
The colour reproduction depends on the resolution because the large pixels on a 1080p screen there are black lines which interfere with the active dots and distorts the colour quality.
Also, 1080p is terrible. As you can see the general visual perception of a Full HD and Ultra HD 4K screens:
Confused about HiDPI and Retina display? ― Understanding pixel density in the age of 4K | EIZO (
Absolute political nonsense. Such people should be taken from their "diplomas".