Why I suck at FPS

17 Jun 2012
It's always the same, I see a few youtube vids of people playing certain games and think they look like awesome fun, and every time I fall for it and fail to remember my complete lack of ability when it comes to FPS games.

I don't know why but it's always the same, I just panic and stand there shooting whatever weapon I have until it's empty, then I have to run away whilst trying to remember what key is bound to another weapon or fumble for the the reload button, I always forget about using cover and can never grab a grenade/explosive when I need one. I mean how hard can it be? My actual twitch reactions and aim are pretty good, but I'm just a scrub with the rest of it.

How the **** can I not get the hang of this? Every. Damn. Time. :rolleyes:

It's a shame because I actually think a lot of the games look pretty good, but they're so miserable to play when I play them that I just give up and uninstall them.
i think your fear of losing is holding you back. they key is to not care how good you are and just have fun taking part, this will release you from thinking you're embarrassing yourself and just focus on enjoying taking part and after that you will gain confidence and then get good.
Watch band of brothers and do what they do. Also imagine your game character is actually you so if you die you yourself are dead.
i think your fear of losing is holding you back. they key is to not care how good you are and just have fun taking part, this will release you from thinking you're embarrassing yourself and just focus on enjoying taking part and after that you will gain confidence and then get good.

I'm the sort of person who gets enjoyment from being good at something, if I suck at stuff then I generally stop playing it as I see it as pointless.

It's like I know what I should be doing but I can't do it when I'm actually playing, it's just panic or something.
Do you use default controls or do you remap them? :)

If the former change them to something that suits you and you can memorise and use it in every game ever!
How the **** can I not get the hang of this? Every. Damn. Time. :rolleyes:

If you are not used to playing an online shooter (or indeed any online shooter), and you go on a server with loads of people who are playing that game all the time, then you are of course going to get smoked.

The only cure, play more and put up with getting smoked, for a while. It will come to you, there is nothing masterful about it.
Maybe you need something a little slower paced and more tactical. Try the Arma series out, its not a run and gun title and with the 'editor', you can hone your skills prior to getting into a full mission/campaign. A few quick scenarios made in the editor (its very easy), and you'll be great in no time.
O.k. then, good perhaps not great...;)
How much single player FPS have you played?

Its something that ultimately you only really overcome with experience/practise.

That said I can't stand games that have 14545654654 binds for every possible action when largely they can be merged into a lot smaller number of keys maybe with some context aware coding.
Some people just haven't got what it takes to be skillful at FPS's. We can't all be good at everything, right?

Back in my younger days and CS 1.5/1.6 I was a pretty good player, in a few clans and doing league matches, but now I have completely lost the edge :(
Some people just haven't got what it takes to be skillful at FPS's. We can't all be good at everything, right?

Back in my younger days and CS 1.5/1.6 I was a pretty good player, in a few clans and doing league matches, but now I have completely lost the edge :(

So glad FPS games just work for me on an almost instinctive level - I feel like the OP jumping into some other games though - eve online for the first couple of weeks was just like that - trying to fly planes in BF4 I'm like that as well though weirdly helis I feel completely at home in (though the helicopter flight model in BF4 is extremely arcadey).
Just keep practicing. It does take time I used to be **** and would get surprised and end up firing off my weapon before I realised what had happened. Now I'm okay although a little out of practice
Or just jump into BF4 as a gunner on a tank or helicopter and get used to the shooting/weapon swapping, etc. without having to worry about positioning/movement (too much) though you will probably die a fair bit.
Don't be afraid to fail.
If you give up when you fail you will never succeed.

Edit: also make sure you give yourself as many advantages as you can..
Set the mouse to raw input and very low sensitivity.
Lower your gfx settings to get more fps
Play for the win not the KD ratio.
Have fun, don't take it seriously.
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Don't be afraid to fail.
If you give up when you fail you will never succeed.

This as well - when I first started playing BF4 my experience of flying helicopters in a competitive environment in games was pretty much non-existent and I kind of shied away from it/panicked when I ended up in the pilot's seat - mostly due to thinking I'd crash in some stupid way killing all my teammates - but once I got past the psychological barrier found I'm actually reasonably good at it (some might debate that).
You need to find your FPS WaL, Deep concentration running maps in your mind then.... be one with the mouse... feel the ping inside you.. .only then when you have found your FPS WaL can you learn not to suck at FPS.
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