Why I suck at FPS

Depends a bit on the game - something like CS that would be quite an issue - in something like BF4 there are roles everyone can play and you don't necessarily have to be the best/most practised to contribute meaningfully to your team.

Last fps i played online was bf4, got killed about 5 times in ten minutes thought 'sod this, this is why i quit online gaming after cod 4' then played kerbal space program for the next 5 hours.

I think i'm just not an fps guy, used to love co-op in joint ops back in the day but cod 3 was the last shooter i was both good at and enjoyed (it had a much better community at the time than cod 4 and didnt have the whole stupid unlocks thing)
When I play BF 4 I consider it a good game/round if we win. Anything else like a positive K/D is nice but not necessary. As it happens my K/D is positive (not by much http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/soldier/Tesslacoil/stats/180640797/pc/ )but I'm far from a great player and I really don't have the reactions of someone half my age! I try to play smart rather than rely on my wits. I've seen players who have hardly fired a shot on some maps get MVP. Metro and Lockers you can do very well purely by playing medic or ammo guy there's so many choke points.

Besides on a game like BF4 if you get decent with vehicles then you can also do very well.
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I don't think my Planetside 2 KD ever got above .9, but it still had a ton of fun in the game. Pick a support class or one that can kill people indirectly (mines etc) and it can be very satisfying even if you can't hit the broad side of a barn with a shotgun.
This is the whole reason why I do not have a console and only FPS on the PC.

I would class myself as being fairly good at FPS (although after 12 months out pretty rusty at present), go onto a console and I just can't do it. I would love a console but every single time I just rage quit and end up selling the thing after a few weeks!
Also suck at FPS and anything else that is heavily reflext-dependent. I'm far better at anticipating and planning around, which is why mostly flying and spacey games are my favourites.

I tried Dirty Bomb recently and just found it to be another one where it's all twitch-shooting against fast-moving players who just bounce around the environment and blatt everything. No hope of anything against kids like that.

Origin: Prelude was pretty cool, helped by it being co-op against AI targets, I think.
Borderlands is a good one, which gets even better if you play online co-op with friends!
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