Why I suck at FPS

voice coms.massive help.

set mouse speed/sensitivity to right setting.many set too fast.

should be natural sweep easy to control. learn to fire iron sighted.if you can master being accurate iron sighted you win ! always quicker than aiming up. most oldskool players play this way.

don't play csgo its a poor example of a fps game. its popular but only cause there is no other comp games fps wise.
Maybe you need something a little slower paced and more tactical. Try the Arma series out, its not a run and gun title and with the 'editor', you can hone your skills prior to getting into a full mission/campaign. A few quick scenarios made in the editor (its very easy), and you'll be great in no time.
O.k. then, good perhaps not great...;)

Exactly what I did and great advice. Few games offer a ingame mission editor and its a great place to learn and practise your fps skills. As said in that post, its very easy to use. A mini setup can take just minutes to make and is totally replayable for hours. The controls are not that bad, certainly not as bad as many will make out.
Decent mouse & gamepad help, I use a nostromo so I can have my setups exactly how I like, I wont even start a mouse war raging by saying what I prefer there lol.

One reason for gamepad is that I can set things like reload to always be the same button so I dont fumble for it. Also you can have it set up so you can switch between different setups, say one for flying, one for on foot in same game.

The way I have it set up is so all my movement keys are on the gamepad, & all my weapon stuff apart from reload is on the mouse, might not work for everyone but works for me, usually get 2:1 kd ratio when playing online, not the best I know but good enough for me.

Edit:forgot to add - the reason I went for a gamepad in the 1st place was because I was never comfortable with the way wasd keys are offset, with the gamepad theyre set straight which felt better for me.
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You have to play regularly in my experience to retain and improve skills and they do erode fast if you don't play.

1. Try and think tactically, use your scanner/map to find allies/enemies. Thinking your way through these games is absolutely key.

2. Don't just sit there in cover hoping not to get killed. You'll learn nothing.

3. Plan your move, organise your thoughts, and change position - soon the key combos to get in cover as quickly and smoothly as possible will come naturally.

4. DON'T WORRY ABOUT KILL DEATH RATIO. I did it just leads to more and more frustration when you're **** to begin with, and it took twice as long as it should have to get to the standard i'm at now. Play to the objectives.

5. PTW gear. I'm not a PTW'er - many are accept that and beat them anyway. Unless of course you're happy to PTW.

6. Find a class that suits you and your play style. If you're doing the headless chicken thing, maybe try a recon/sniper class and sit and wait.

7. Try and assist team mates and act in concert with them.

8. CAMPING! - It's going to happen, so anticipate it. I also find backstopping against campers or players who have got behind your lines very rewarding.

9. Persevere. You can't expect to be as good as players who have got 1,000s of hours in on any online FPS.

10. Try not to give your position away by taking too many difficult shots, wait a little, let them get closer and strike.
Arma 2 is what I tried last time I loaded one up, not online play just single player mode. I found enemies were hitting me from miles away with an SMG, far away enough so that I could barely see them and would need a scoped rifle to return any sort of meaningful fire.

Seemed a bit BS to me, constantly getting hit whilst moving between cover whilst completely unable to return fire, I just rage quit and vowed never to bother again.
I found enemies were hitting me from miles away

bots yea this sucks. Computers are rubbish to play against;

Play csgo with bots and its not good. They literally cheat, the AI isnt clever it just knows where you are so they mitigate and downgrade that effect but its not a proper game.

Dont play arma vs bots as its not good like you say, they have tried to make it clever obscure its vision but this is cutting edge stuff in AI and for games they fail and it plays poor imo
Oh another thing, for fps always play with headphones, it gives you a much better idea whats going on around you in game, e.g. makes it much easier to hear footsteps & get an idea where theyre coming from, hearing ppl moving around in bushes etc, & it also shuts out any background distractions.
i suck at online fps too, last i played was bf4. i think my aiming just sucks. I see other players strafing from side to side and jumping around while shooting to avoid getting hi while keeping perfect aim on there target, when i try and do that my aim is all over the place and i always die first! thinking about buying a ps4 at some point for the exclusives, i might also get a fps on it to see if im any better online with auto aim!
I love playing FPS games, played 'em for years :D

Best advice: practice.

I find going from PC to console FPS difficult. The game plays differently, you need to play it differently, and the controls have a steeper learning curve IMO.

FPS 100% needs a keyboard + mouse to be any good. Granted that is subjective, but there is no doubt someone can be a lot more accurate with better/faster reflexes with a mouse than with a controller.
I suck at FPS OP.

I played a lot of counterstrike at one point. I became above average. I've lost that now, so am back to sucking.

Strangly... 1 on 1 degal / awp / scout matches with my buddy who was amazing at cs, I'd always win... Guess I just cant tactic.
Depends how competative as well with FPS. if you take it seriously or not, But practice does make perfect. I'd say im above average skill, I started from as a kid, playing Cod3
You arent alone op, i conciously don't play fps online because i'm too well aware that nearly everyone is much better than me and i dont have the dedication to learn to be better.

Depends a bit on the game - something like CS that would be quite an issue - in something like BF4 there are roles everyone can play and you don't necessarily have to be the best/most practised to contribute meaningfully to your team.
See, I discounted BF4 because I've never played any of the BF games and just thought I'd be too late to start now as everyone is either super pro or has all the gear to make it worthless even trying.

I've reinstalled Arma 2 and will have a go and report back as to what I struggle with, it's been a while since I've played any FPS (Apart from something like Fallout which I don't really count) so will be interesting to see how bad I am.
See, I discounted BF4 because I've never played any of the BF games and just thought I'd be too late to start now as everyone is either super pro or has all the gear to make it worthless even trying.

I've reinstalled Arma 2 and will have a go and report back as to what I struggle with, it's been a while since I've played any FPS (Apart from something like Fallout which I don't really count) so will be interesting to see how bad I am.

Was a bit leery of BF4 myself as while I played BF2 a bit I skipped most of the rest and there are a fair few gimmicks/obscure tricks that unless you have been a long time BF player you won't pickup on at first which can make the learning curve quite steep.

There are a variety of roles within the game though some a lot simpler and the starting kit is fairly respectable so you won't be hideously outclassed - you will have to unlock a couple of basic attachments that take 10-30 frags but once you do you can easily take the game to players with tons of unlocks.
I've only just recently got back into PC gaming, to put it into perspective the last FPS mp I had played on the PC was Soldier of Fortune 2 over a decade ago.

For the first 30 hours or so I spent the majority of games getting slapped about and to be honest it was soul destroying. Now I am loving BF4 on the PC and there is no way I could go back to using a joypad.

I still have the odd game where I don't do well but I have better games far more often now than bad ones.

Like others have suggested just keep at it and it will eventually come good :cool:
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