wow. step away from the keyboard, Dg. You're going to hurt yourself.
wow. step away from the keyboard, Dg. You're going to hurt yourself.
csgo goes dead when new fps takes its crown like apex
pubg killed it down but they couldnt utilize the esports side as good as csgo. cause its simple to do for csgo.
Err... since when did PUBG kill CS in any sense of the word?! What on earth are you on about?
Arguing with DG to try and change his mind is like arguing with a toddler, they're going to shout and stamp their feet and throw their toys and no one will have achieved anything by the end of it.
Dg said:player numbers. csgo dropped from a million to about 400,000-500,000
would csgo of been so big with competition ? no. thats pretty easy to understand. thats what i mean about cod4.
~>Dg<~ said:if [cod4 was] released later then obviously it would have had the same crowd that csgo has become popular for
~>Dg<~ said:would cod4 of been so big with competition ? no. thats pretty easy to understand. that's what i mean about csgo.
hot game in right time frame. doesnt matter name. will have many gamers. you looking at the wrong figures. also not entirely thinking it through. would csgo of been so big with competition ? no. thats pretty easy to understand. thats what i mean about cod4.
if csgo dropped say now for eg. it would struggle. it wouldnt be as big as it is now because there is competition. there was nothing when it launched ! so it cleaned up.
so basically because there wasnt any competitive fps to play you had to basically play csgo. so obviously if other competitive shooters would have been around csgo wouldnt be as big. cant say it any simplier really.
I'm looking at the steam figures, average and peak. they are the right figures. Try harder.
That's what i asked you about COD4 but funnily enough you gave me a different answer because COD4
See what i did there?
so obviously you didnt understand or even comprehend that cod4 wasnt played through steam ? genious ! it was at a later date but mainly it wasnt. so figures will not reflect the actual numbers.