why is eve-online so good?

smoove said:
I've tried Eve twice and dis liked it twice. I done most of the tutorial then I was like "hmmmm what do I do now", so floated around space abit and then quit.

Think I'll give it another go after I complete Far Cry, or I might play x2?
This is what happens to a lot of people. Inevitably, EVE will seem very dull for the first few days. If you stick with it, though, and join a player corp, it gets much, much better.
I am just in the proses of doing some missions getting my credits up but how do I join OCUK corps?or a corp's that will help me learn the game So much to learn lol
COOL^J said:
I am just in the proses of doing some missions getting my credits up but how do I join OCUK corps?or a corp's that will help me learn the game So much to learn lol

you have to fly to their headquarters in isikano (i think, i should know cos im a member!) and from their you can apply. You will also have to sign up to their forum.

Hope to see you there soon

edit: if you search for ocuk you can find the HQ from there, set destianation and stick it on autopilot.
Inquisitor said:
This is what happens to a lot of people. Inevitably, EVE will seem very dull for the first few days. If you stick with it, though, and join a player corp, it gets much, much better.

Yeah i used to fly a lot with the BSC boys when V.O.I.D was still alive :)
Hi soap thanks for that the server is off line so will make my way to OCUK corp’s tonight and I have sign up at Oc-PS thanks for the info
FosterK said:
Especially when it comes to podding 2 week old players in shuttles, isn't that right Damien?

Hey, those shuttles could be carrying a Zealot BPO you know. ;)

Seriously though, I'm not that evil. I tend to let noobs I find mining/ratting live after scrambling them for a bit to give them a scare, giving them some tips on where/where not to fly about and sometimes give them a bit of isk to help them out. My corp doesn't like me doing that though...

If it's in 0.0 though then ignore that. Everyone dies in 0.0, regardless of age.

Piracy ***!

Edit: You can't say 'for the win'?
[Damien] said:
Hey, those shuttles could be carrying a Zealot BPO you know. ;)

Seriously though, I'm not that evil. I tend to let noobs I find mining/ratting live after scrambling them for a bit to give them a scare, giving them some tips on where/where not to fly about and sometimes give them a bit of isk to help them out. My corp doesn't like me doing that though...

If it's in 0.0 though then ignore that. Everyone dies in 0.0, regardless of age.

Piracy ***!

Edit: You can't say 'for the win'?

Not very likely though, is it? :p

You come across as a nice pirate.. if there's such a thing...?

As for 'giving them a scare', I'm fine with that, but you and your friends didn't do that to me, just wtfpwned me in a shuttle (carrying nothing, btw :p) :(

So... Do me a favour and stop camping the friggin Ostin/stac gate, seems like every time I want to come through, there's a gang of 4 or more Turby guys :p

Oh, one more thing: I've got kill rights on you, yaaaar ;D
I did the 14 day trial on this and started to enjoy it but haven't got round to paying for the monthly sub yet. Luckily a guy from my cod clan gave me about 9mill to help me start off :D I might logon soon and get over to Isanko (?) and see if I can join ocuk.
Yeah, we kind of like that gate. It's a nice source of income but that's about it. I personally hate gatecamping as it's boring as hell but even pirates have to pay the bills.

How did you manage to get caught by us in a shuttle though? Shuttles move very quick and take forever to lock. I mean even Tribalbleb with his ninja instalock skillz would have trouble.

Drop by the 'Turby' channel sometime if you like and say hi, we're not all ebil nasty piwats in there, infact a lot of our customers hang out there too.

PS: Yarr!
[Damien] said:
Yeah, we kind of like that gate. It's a nice source of income but that's about it. I personally hate gatecamping as it's boring as hell but even pirates have to pay the bills.

How did you manage to get caught by us in a shuttle though? Shuttles move very quick and take forever to lock. I mean even Tribalbleb with his ninja instalock skillz would have trouble.

Drop by the 'Turby' channel sometime if you like and say hi, we're not all ebil nasty piwats in there, infact a lot of our customers hang out there too.

PS: Yarr!
get a better pilot in your tackler if its taking ages.
stilleto can do it V fast
VeNT said:
get a better pilot in your tackler if its taking ages.
stilleto can do it V fast

Fast enough to do it before getting popped by sentries? I doubt it. :p

We have decent tacklers for everything else we do, but gatecamping is pretty much a battleship only pastime when you live in low sec.
[Damien] said:
Fast enough to do it before getting popped by sentries? I doubt it. :p

We have decent tacklers for everything else we do, but gatecamping is pretty much a battleship only pastime when you live in low sec.

meh, real men live in 0.0
I'm not too sure how you got me, really. I came through and I was webbed and scrammed pretty much instantly... Maybe you were just lucky.

That said, I've got past you in a badger. :p

*looks at Tranquility*

Hurry up ffs...
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VeNT said:
meh, real men live in 0.0

Yeah, blob warfare for the win...

We go into syndicate fairly often and have a few good fights but a lot of people don't seem to want to fight unless they have totally overwhelming numbers. We've had some great fights though in 0.0 and empire (many of which while totally outnumbered) so I guess it really depends who you come across.
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