why is eve-online so good?

Well I've gone back into Eve and have found it rather fun. They're changed it quite a lot since I was last kicking around Eve, for the better. Usually in MMOs the publisher/developer ruins the game after a certain amount of time, but Eve seems to just be getting better.

Anyway on my way to almost 2 million, and haven't done any mining at all. Most of the cash has come from missions involving killing rogue drones or pirates, which is pretty cool.

Once I've got some experience I think it'll be time to wander off into low sec space, join a corp / alliance and get ready for some border disputes :D
Just in case you didnt know and need a wee clue :D

*** Mission types ***
Administration: 50% Kill, 50% Courier
Advisory: 34% Kill, 66% Courier
Archives: 5% Kill, 90% Courier, 5% Trade
Astrosurveying: 40% Kill, 30% Courier, 25%
5% Trade
Command: 97% Kill, 3% Courier
Distribution: 5% Kill, 95% Courier
Intelligence: 85% Kill, 15% Courier
Internal Security: 95% Kill, 5% Courier
Legal: 50% Kill, 50% Courier
Manufacturing: 5% Kill, 95% Courier
Marketing: 5% Kill, 95% Courier
Mining: 5% Kill, 85% Courier, 10% Mining (II)
Production: 5% Kill, 95% Courier
Public Relations: 34% Kill, 66% Courier
R&D;*: 0% Kill, 50% Courier(S), 50% Trade
Security: 90% Kill, 5% Courier, 5%Trade
Storage: 5% Kill, 95% Courier(L)
Surveillance: 95% Kill, 5% Courier

*** Complexes ***
1/10 Frigate
2/10 Destroyer
3/10 Cruiser
4/10 Battle Cruiser
5/10 Battle Ship

** Damage types ***
Guristas - Kinetic / Thermal
Serpentis - Thermal / Kinetic
Blood Raider - Thermal / EM
Sansha's Nation - EM / Thermal
Angel Cartel - Kinetic / Explosive / Thermal
Minmatar Fleet - Thermal / Explosive
Amarr Navy - EM / Thermal
Gallente Navy - EM/EXP

ecurity status: Empire restrictions-
Below -2 = not in 1.0 sec systems
Below -2.5 = not in 0.9 sec systems
Below -3 = not in 0.8 sec systems
Below -3.5 = not in 0.7 systems
Below -4 = not in 0.6 systems
Below -4.5 = not in 0.5 systems
-5 or below = KOS in all empire.

Agent LP reward Offers:
1.5K - +1 Attribute Implants
9K - +2 Attribute Implants
10K - +3 Attribute Implants
15K - Special Connections Skill Books
100K - Navy Issue Frigates
250K - Navy Issue Cruisers
300K - Multiple +3 Attribute Implants
400K - +4 Attribute Implants
450K - +5 Attribute Implants
500K (+ rare tags) - Faction Battleships
600K - Pre-built Faction Battlships

Types of Ammo / Resistances to Use
(they happen to be the same)

Gurista (Caldari) - Kenetic - Thermal
Angel (Minmatar) - Explosive - Kenetic
Blood (Amarr) - EM - Thermal
Sansha (Amarr) - EM - Thermal
Serpentis (Gallente) - Kenetic - Thermal
Khanid (Amarr) - Thermal
Mordus (Caldari) - Kenetic
I downloaded the 14 day trial last year and started going threw the training this game looks really amazing but soon got very frustrated with it all down to not knowing what to do would really love to give it a another go but it would be great for some help in how to get going. I am getting really bored of COD2 and other games like that

As you can see I have been a member of OCUK forums for a long time I don’t post very much due to my very bad spelling and grammar I have dyslexia and had the **** taken out of me on the forum so I just read a lot but I would really would love to give this game a really good go any advise would be great
COOL^J said:
I downloaded the 14 day trial last year and started going threw the training this game looks really amazing but soon got very frustrated with it all down to not knowing what to do would really love to give it a another go but it would be great for some help in how to get going. I am getting really bored of COD2 and other games like that

As you can see I have been a member of OCUK forums for a long time I don’t post very much due to my very bad spelling and grammar I have dyslexia and had the **** taken out of me on the forum so I just read a lot but I would really would love to give this game a really good go any advise would be great

the best thing to do is join a decent player corp who will help you, one such as eve-uni should be ok, and your spellings better than mine and they reckon i'm not dyslexic
COOL^J said:
I downloaded the 14 day trial last year and started going threw the training this game looks really amazing but soon got very frustrated with it all down to not knowing what to do would really love to give it a another go but it would be great for some help in how to get going. I am getting really bored of COD2 and other games like that.

Yeah getting started is a drag Im on my 3rd day of a 7 day trial for some reason :confused: . They could at least lighten up the tutorial voice it's so annoying but I guess its all in theme. Hey and I haven't seen anyone write "zomg gief epix 4 meh boob" yet.

After getting bored of WOW i dabbled in DAoC and Guild Wars for a bit but this game has definately caught my interest.
Thanks sidthesexist but Microsoft word spell checker is my best friend lol

Is there any where people can go to get help like TS channel where people hang out that learning the game and learn together?

bloody hell 2 posts in one day never done that before :eek:
most decent corps have their own ts, there is a help channel for noobs but thats usually spammed so your post will get lost, the forums are pretty good and if you make it known your a noob most people will try to help and there is some more specialised sites like this one for minnie based pilots linkeh

as i said tho finding a decent player corp will probably be your best move eve-uni is a good corp to start with
Thanks for the info sidthesexist I will look for a 14 day trial later and really give it a try I really do want to get into this game it looks like a right adventure hope to find some more noobs so we can work it out

I have a private ventrilo server so you never know might find other people in the same boat and learn together

Thanks again for the info :)
COOL^J said:
Right got me a 14 day trial so what’s the best class to with when you just starting out :)

its not based on classes, its based on skills.
I'd go caldari or amarr first, minmater are best but require the most skills, gallente are good but can be hard to start with.

convo me ingame (VeNT) and I'll talk you though any questions you have.
COOL^J said:
I downloaded the 14 day trial last year and started going threw the training this game looks really amazing but soon got very frustrated with it all down to not knowing what to do would really love to give it a another go but it would be great for some help in how to get going. I am getting really bored of COD2 and other games like that

As you can see I have been a member of OCUK forums for a long time I don’t post very much due to my very bad spelling and grammar I have dyslexia and had the **** taken out of me on the forum so I just read a lot but I would really would love to give this game a really good go any advise would be great

lol, man after my own bullet. M8 jump in the Phoenix Enclave public channel and shout me and i will give you details of our corp/Alliance. We will give you all the help you can wish for...... also i run an international COD2 clan so feel free if your good enough to join us :).
VeNT said:
its not based on classes, its based on skills.
I'd go caldari or amarr first, minmater are best but require the most skills, gallente are good but can be hard to start with.

convo me ingame (VeNT) and I'll talk you though any questions you have.
To be honest, though, in the long run, it makes very little difference what race you play as. The starting skills are only relevant at the beginning of the game, because you'll train them in the end anyway, regardless of what race you play. The only thing that's permanent are your attributes :)
Inquisitor said:
To be honest, though, in the long run, it makes very little difference what race you play as. The starting skills are only relevant at the beginning of the game, because you'll train them in the end anyway, regardless of what race you play. The only thing that's permanent are your attributes :)

yes, but as a rule minmater ships need the most skills to pilot well.
VeNT said:
yes, but as a rule minmater ships need the most skills to pilot well.
Yep, but you can train them regardless of what race you are, so it doesn't make that much difference, other than that you start with some basic Minmatar ship skills.
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