Why is homeopathy so popular?

Wise Guy
23 May 2009
I've noticed homeopathic medicine is becoming more and more popular in the UK. How come this homeopathic crap is so popular yet the same people laugh at faith healing, when it's essentially the same thing (useless superstition)? It's basically trendy, secular faith healing.
I work in cardiovascular genetics and one of my colleagues uses it but in a minor capacity. What ever it is meant to do (can't remember what it is for) it works - guessing that's the placebo affect? If it works, why not? He doesn't believe any of the 'water memory' stuff though.

I think most of it is hog wash but I am sure for low level stuff, taking it does do something (likely to be your own mind though).
They seem to be people been given advice my homeopathic nut jobs or serious conditions been treated with homeopathic solutions. There are people who just buy off the shelf stuff for minor problems.

God I am sounding like an advocate :p:o
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I've noticed homeopathic medicine is becoming more and more popular in the UK. How come this homeopathic crap is so popular yet the same people laugh at faith healing, when it's essentially the same thing (useless superstition)? It's basically trendy, secular faith healing.

Because people are stupid :p As Fenris said - As long as there are stupid people that believe these things, then these things will exist :p
Thick people will believe in anything that takes their fancy. They've been doing it since they lived in a cave and will be doing it when they live on the other side of the universe.
"What's the harm?" Read Bad Science. I guess the short version of my argument here would be that selling desperate people something that doesn't work as an alternative to something that has been proven to help is bad.
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