Why is homeopathy so popular?

I still don't agree. If you have two bottles of pills, both claim to be antibiotics, yet one of them is just sugar pills, then those could kill.

But they don't both claim to be antibiotics, one of them quite clearly claims to be homeopathic.

If you're stupid enough to go against all scientific evidence and go for the solution which has been repeatedly proven not to work, well... you only really have yourself to blame.

Err.. I'll try and put it differently. You go on holiday and ask me to feed your cat. I tell you I will do it, I don't do it, and then the cat dies.

If you had a proven history of not feeding cats, then it would be pretty stupid of me to trust you to feed mine wouldn't it? ;)
What happened to the old Castiel? This one seems more "chavy" than the previous one.

Desperate people try anything and i imagine the placebo effect is better than just swallowing a little pill.
What happened to the old Castiel? This one seems more "chavy" than the previous one.

Desperate people try anything and i imagine the placebo effect is better than just swallowing a little pill.

Oi.....'Chavy', how insulting........

It was probably all the boobs over the weekend.
I know a number of GPs who are also practice in homeopathetic stuff. I wouldn't necessarily call these people stupid - they obviously aren't.

Me, I don't know anything about it.
I know a number of GPs who are also practice in homeopathetic stuff. I wouldn't necessarily call these people stupid - they obviously aren't.
They obviously have a degree of stupidity, and should have their licensed revoked. Where will they draw the line when they truly believe that water can work as well as medicine can?

If any of it worked, it'd be called medicine. But it isn't.
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