Yes, and not to drag him into this but
@darket didn't buy that 10900K for his 3080 because he plays games at 1080P, i don't know he might? He bought that CPU to give his 3080 the best chance it could have.
No one knows how games in a year or two will be doing with the CPU, or if Nvidia bring out something faster late this year which might make a lesser CPU choke even at 1440P.
Too many people bought 4 core CPU's,. even 6 core 6 thread 5Ghz CPU's thinking "this is all i need", only to find at some point later that BFV and some other games were rendered an unplayable stuttering mess because the CPU couldn't cope, there is a tonne of this on Youtube.
Give people a full picture so they can make a properly informed decision.
And its not you, if you're thinking that, i'm making a general point, some mainstream reviewers are the worst for it, people like Hardware Unboxed recently, while well meaning is trying to drive prices down they are deliberately manipulating some results to make it look like there is little difference between a Ryzen 3600 and a 9900K or a 10400 and a 5600X, they are doing this in their best value CPU's videos by using slower GPU's to compress everything down to the same level and then concluding "Look see the 3600 is only 6% slower than the 9900K" it isn't, it really isn't, the 9900K is and always was a much faster CPU's than that.
And here is the latest example of those shenanigans.
Same game, same benchmark, only difference, the GPU they used, GN used a 3080, HUB a 6700XT. What they are actually doing when they pull stunts like this is force people to buy a cheaper CPU to begin with and then get a much more expensive faster CPU eventually anyway because it turns out not to be as good as a video like this suggests, they spent the money twice and ended up with the more expensive CPU anyway. Much less than helpful don't you agree?