why most people don't finish video games

nope the reason for me is single player is often 99.9 boring. regardless of money spent.multiplayer is where real people live. where fun is. thats my op on it.
To each their own. Whilst I like a bit of coop pve with real life mates (like borderlands or the division or L4D ) I hate competitive MP games and much prefer narrative driven games. It saddens me that once excellent games I use to play with a huge single player story and the MP was just the icing on the cake have now switched over with a short campaign tacked on as an afterthought.
It is good we are all different however and Indo still have plenty to go at..where ever possible however I am a firm believer that so long as they make sense well made NPC's should always be offered as an option instead of relying on MP
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I purely play MP now because I don’t have time for lengthy SP games. Coming back to a SP game after a gap ruins the flow for me so I don’t bother. Also a lot of SP games feel quiet linear, if I want to play for the story I’d rather just watch a good TV show.

I’m having a really good time play MW at the moment it’s so easy to pick and up and jump in. I’m 34.
I have over 300 games in my Steam library as well as loads in Ubisoft and Origin.

I flick back and fourth between them although every now and again I get into a game that just grabs me and I have to complete it.

I'm 38 in a month
I'll only buy games i am interested in. I'll then stick with that game until completed and everything else gets put on hold.

This year will be Res Evil 3 and Last of Us 2.

Last year was Res Evil 2, World War Z, COD: MW, Sniper Elite 4, Titanfall 2 and Telltale Walking Dead Final season.

Still play L4D 2 a few times a month.
I purely play MP now because I don’t have time for lengthy SP games. Coming back to a SP game after a gap ruins the flow for me so I don’t bother. Also a lot of SP games feel quiet linear, if I want to play for the story I’d rather just watch a good TV show.

I’m having a really good time play MW at the moment it’s so easy to pick and up and jump in. I’m 34.

This, almost exactly the same for me (except im 35)

COD MW, 2 days 9 hours play time so far. Fit in a few games around family, work, gym & socialising
At the grand age of 31, most games I play now just seem to have the same under Lying mechanics. To top it off, they all just seem to try and bust your balls for money.

I dabble in games from time to time but even if I get really into one I can only play it for around 40hrs then I'm done.
I don't always feel the need to finish games, if I think i've seen all it has to offer, and had my money's worth i'll happily leave it, why waste time grinding to the end when you're no longer really enjoying it?
And where all the lamers, hackers and cheats are. This is EXACTLY what has put me off multiplayer.
Especially the “premium” or “season pass” games where you unlock every damned weapon from the start, giving you a mahoosive advantage over players who don’t spend the extra. It can turn noobs into pro’s (with the right weapon).
No thanks, single player and co-op with immersive story for me. Games like wildlands that are constantly supported offer endless hours of gaming without idiots ruining it for you.

which is why i said me. each person has your own opinion and each persons opinion will be different. most single player games even if AAA and millions spent on them are just scripted Ai bore fest. as said my opinion.
Yeah I agree. When I give a recommendation for a game, boxset of a series or something, I tend to get a "I don't have the time" reply. It's not like a race that you have to finish it in 2 weeks. If it takes 1 year then so be it :D The simple fact is people generally don't finish games because the game is crap and repetitive.
I am not saying this isn't a part of it, but in my case the issue is that with limited time to game I often find an exciting new game comes out before I have had time to finish the current game. If it's a multiplayer game all my mates are jumping on, then you either get on board at the start or you may as well give it a miss (you'd never catch up).

I try to run a single player game alongside whatever MP game we're on at any point, but occasionally MP swallows up all the SP game time and then you get something like cyberpunk comes out, and boom you're onto a new SP game.

I'd game more, but work and family eat all but maybe an hr a night. 2 if I'm lucky.
Hows everyone got such limited time for gaming when women can sit on the sofa and watch 10 different soap operas in a row every night :D.

For me I have this weird thing where I'll really enjoy the start of a game and spend hours exploring and soaking in the game. Then when i realise i'm getting near the end, i'll just totally lose interest and want to move onto a new game.. I think its a mix of not wanting to complete the game and the story to end and also maybe burning myself out on the game by exploring so much. I do get like 100s of enjoyable hours in many open world games, even if I don't always complete them.
There are just soooo many games, many of them cost pennies or even are given away these days by Epic, etc.

You can't possibly have time to finish them all!
I mean the guys saying they have no time at all to game. Surely there must be some downtime in everyones life, where they would normally watch TV or read a book or whatever, that they could use for a spot of gaming instead.

To be fair most of the games that make up the bulk of mine and probably most peoples Steam games list are crappy indie games we got free or from bundles, so I'll never complete even 50% of my Steam list. Same goes for Epic, I have added a lot of the free games to my account and I already know I'll never play any of them as any good games I already have on Steam.
Same goes for Epic, I have added a lot of the free games to my account and I already know I'll never play any of them as any good games I already have on Steam.
That is one of the reasons why I never bothered with epic. By the time they give out a free game, if I was interested I would have bought it on steam and completed it by then.
I'm 45. I do have less time for marathon gaming sessions but that's alright. I have 2 kids, a business to run, sports and hobbies, all of which deserve my time oh and a wife. I don't mind playing less games and tent to be choosy about what I play. If a game doesn't really engage me then it doesn't get played through. Recent completed games Zelda BOTW, Mario Odyssey, Far Cry 5. Far Cry 5 i finished on Sunday having started on release! Recent abandoned games GTAV, Star Wars Battle Front, Skyrim VR.

Half Life Alyx is definitely getting completed. Soooo good.
As an uni student my time dedicated to games has become essentially 0. But after the recent lockdown, I may be able to finish a title here and there
Are you one of those rare students that spends his time studying, vs drinking, sleeping, and engaging in civil disobedience? :p
I've slowly lost interest in multiplayer over the years, I mainly play single player stuff now.

I used to be well into the old school arena shooters, once stuff like CoD became the most prominent online first person shooters I stopped bothering, I've even less interest in the current battle royal and survival style games.

Luckily I have no kids (or any desire to have them for that matter) so I've plenty of time to jump into a good single player game if something catches my eye. I don't watch a lot of TV par the odd show, so my free time at home is generally taken up between gamin and reading.
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