Wikileaks to release Hillary documents

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Leaks only really happen when there's something to be gained by someone. In this case who would benefit? No one really, trump's approval rating is already in the toilet and if this indictment is for something that happened years before Trump then Trump doesn't get any backlash.

Obamas highest ever rating was 53%

So there’s a strong possibility that Trump’s campaign was part-financed with money from illegal activities?

I don't think Clinton helped him!
Honestly me too. If Trump is found guilty of something (he won’t) I’m fully onboard with you guys. But I feel a lot of people don’t really know what’s going on, because they only look at a few news sites and not the bigger picture

Worth noting Alex Jones’ source was spot on with the names, also saying there’s another unnamed person to be arrested

This is Alex Jones. He believes lizards "taking energy of children".

@tang0 believes words coming out of this guy.

What is there to say?
It is funny watching tang0 trying very hard to push the spotlight away from Trump when the biggest story of the day is about Manifort being charged. Campaign chairman of the Trump Campaign, charged !

Someone steps down from a job…he thinks that is more important, might as well add England U-17 winning the World Cup on here too. There is a name for that, distraction tactics.

p.s. Manifort being Trump Campaign chairman is not fake news, Manifort being charged is not fake news.
The charges have nothing to do with Trump or any collusion, this was going back years ago. Follow Manafort and you are led to the Podestas. Follow Podesta and you are led to Tenex. Follow Tenex and you are led to Rosatom. Follow Rosatom and you are led to the Clinton Foundation.

Is it Trump’s job to vet campaign managers?
The charges have nothing to do with Trump or any collusion

Don’t you think it’s surprising how someone as money-focused as Manafort worked for Trump for free? What was in it for him?

I guess we’ll find out when he can’t post bail and starts talking.
The Manafort allegations are prior to him being in the Trump campaign. Papadopoulos's testimony however may be a bit more damning...
The Manafort allegations are prior to him being in the Trump campaign. Papadopoulos's testimony however may be a bit more damning...

From what I gather...

George got catfished, tried and failed to arrange a meeting with Putin intermediated by a female Russian national that claimed to be his relative, got told to bugger off by Trump/Manafort/whole campaign, gets interviewed by the FBI and lied that he said he set up a meeting with Putin.

I guess their hope is that he sings, and more info will come out
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More potential breaking news from a legit insider someone who worked on the Trump campaign and now works for the DoJ...

Tony Podesta and Vin Weber are the next to go.

Vin Weber runs Mercury LLC... I'm guessing that's one of the two companies named A and B in the Manafort indictment.

A = Podesta
B = Mercury

More sealed indictments (4 more)
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