Wikileaks to release Hillary documents

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I'm a truth supporter, more than a Trump supporter. But Hillary is a sociopath, a liar, a criminal and suffers from envy of power and money and she still remains unchallenged, even with Trump as President. It's about time she is exposed for the Russian meddling lies, the fact that the DNC emails were leaked (Seth Rich) rather than hacked by the Russians (they weren't), the 33k missing emails, the foundation that she used as a front for her pay to play dealings, and the missing money that was to go to Haiti. She needs to be investigated or exposed for all the mysterious deaths of opponents that have tried to investigate her over the years. Seth Rich, Shaun Lucas, John Ashe, John Jones, Walter Sheib, Joe Montano, Victor Thorn just some of the recent ones.

Julian Assange probably knows the inside of governments better than anyone on the planet, has a 100% accuracy record had this to say about her yesterday.

"There's something wrong with Hillary Clinton. It is not just her constant lying. It is not just that she throws off menacing glares and seethes thwarted entitlement. Watch closely. Something much darker rides along with it. A cold creepiness rarely seen."

"WikiLeaks has a pristine record for accuracy. HRC is not a credible person. The primary cause of her downfall was her own Machiavellian scheme to elevate Mr. Trump ("Pied Piper")."

He also posted some new keys yesterday, that combined with some high profile names indicating he's about to drop info made me make the thread yesterday. It's a fact though, that this time last year he was going to drop the "October surprise", but ran into push back and mysterious circumstances. The biggest DDOS ever took place which prevented him from releasing was one of the reasons
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It's been over year with leaks left right and centre, and there are still literally 0 evidence of any Russian "collusion or meddling". All they could find on Trump was that tape, he's squeeky clean and they can't stand it. But you keep believing in the concerted effort by the Democrats to use the main stream media as a propaganda tool into fooling you into thinking otherwise. They've almost given up reporting on it anymore because they know it's absolutely nothing. Watch the Veritas videos where the anchors say it's a "nothing burger"
Why do they have to announce it in advance? Why not just dump whatever they have and be done with it?

Wikileaks don't generally announce any leaks in advance, they use an algorithm that drops at a time where the material can have the greatest impact. Occasionaly they will drop pre-commitment hashes ahead of time to ensure that the files being released match up with the hash and that they are not altered
Russian lie in a nutshell...


Btw, just hours ago, Fusion GPS that fabricated the Trump dossier, refuses to comply with the Russia probe subpoena
Yeh I'm so crazy. You would think that if a dossier was legit they would comply with a subpoena and be down infront of a comittee in a heartbeat
Russian collusion points right back to the Clintons; it's all projection. People who don't just rely on CNN for their news has known about it for years and were made fun of for suggesting it. Reddit is currently censoring comments and deleting posts
Go on any of the main news subs and you won't see the story anywhere. They aren't allowing the story to be posted, period. If you use Reddit on a regular basis you will know about the censorship on there. Subs like politics, news, worldnews shadowban sites that don't fit their agenda. The_Donald's posts are constantly suppressed, altering the upvote algorithm so very few posts make it to the front page, they also regually reset the upvotes to 0. They compile a database of people who post anything pro-Trump, and tags them as T_D members so that they can harass via PM and brigade comments (the database was leaked, I'm on it). There were slack mod chats that were leaked where they openly discuss their bias. T_D is the second most active sub, yet only has 500,000 subs compared to the 6+ million the most popular sub has..
Just go ahead and post anything pro Trump/anti Hillary in a sub that's meant to discuss all news, and all politics and see what happens, go on..
The fact you don't like thehill for whatever reason is irrelevant, my point is that they will censor the story as it's anti Clinton. Just did a quick search for in /r/politics and there's thousands of posts. Anyone that posts this story will get deleted/shadow banned, I've just seen it happen, and you're sat there acting like a smartarse
What? I just posted a comment that reddit are censoring the Russia/Clinton story with proof, and you come back at me with the question "What does that prove?" and I gave you an answer, but you just keep ignoring it and acting like a smart arse
I then asked you to replicate the result, but you chose not to. I also gave you a description of what happens on reddit all the time, but you think you know better.. Enough now.
Let me know when you have evidence to support this claim.

You won't believe any story from FOX etc, even with supporting evidence from the FBI. Yet you're 100% convinced Trump colluded with the Russians based on hearsay and anonymous sources, because you believe everything CNN tells you.
How is any of that evidence of "collusion"? He meets with lots of government dignitaries. It does sound a lot like a conspiracy when you have to keep supporting your case by saying things like, he was photographed with a Russian... So? What does that mean, you don't know what they're talking about. Trump's always said he wants to try and get on with them, than rather be an enemy.
And that should tell you everything about who is on the "side" of the Russians. It's complete projection and coverup from the Democrats.

The HRC camp plotted to smear Trump for a Putin "bromance" way back in 2015:

Best approach is to slaughter Donald for his bromance with Putin, but not go too far betting on Putin re Syria. Brent

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