Wildstar New MMO (NCSoft and Carbine Studios)

We all know how this works. If the head start is a bit of a washout we'll quite likely get an extension to our 30 days included game time.

from their twitter
Not even getting the hamster anymore. As soon as I put in my password it times out. Going to go make a bacon and sausage sandwich then try again.
Not even getting the hamster anymore. As soon as I put in my password it times out. Going to go make a bacon and sausage sandwich then try again.

I just got corrected on Skype for calling it a hamster. So I will now correct you. It's a Chompacabra not a hamster!
Got to say surprised no one from the ESO lot have come in to troll this thread yet :p

On the plus side yay to two monitors :D Watching Spartacus on one screen to fuel the rage and Wildstar with twitter feed and ocuk up on the other :cool:
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