Wildstar New MMO (NCSoft and Carbine Studios)

Love the way they say that on their twitter as if its unexpected!

Pretty sure they are just letting people know that they are working on it. Better than companies like Valve who just give you silence. Also the devs said on reddit before that there is a 10% chance that it'll launch smoothly so I'm guessing they were expecting it ;)
Well who didn't see this one coming. Nobody ever has a smooth launch, give it a few days to a week and it will be fine.
It's just so rare these days to to see any game no have issues at a launch especially any that require an on line network to run. Would have liked to see this game have a smooth launch as it has so much potential to be good and last longer than most of these subscription MMO attempts.

I think it will do quite well if it can get anywhere near the type of numbers SW:TOR had after 6 months as it doesn't have that big IP behind it.
I just get the Unhandled NC Platform Error 15 all the time. Apparently it means temporarily suspended for trying to log in too many times. Grrr.
I tried a few times at. Given up for now.

Seen theres a twitch channel with like 20k people watch a guy try to log in! Epic...in a bad way.

Suppose it shows how popular it is.
At the retrieving realm list page now.

It auto tried to log me into Ascendency but said it was full and place No 1100 ish in queue lol.
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