Wildstar New MMO (NCSoft and Carbine Studios)

i got it for £28 from greenmangaming so even if i play for a month its not bad, so far up to lvl 8 and enjoying it.

I played GTAV for 2 weeks and was happy that I paid £45 for it.

If I only get a month of fun out of WildStar for the £30 I paid, I will be extremely happy, but judging from the current state of the game and my experience so far, I will be playing this for a long time to come.
Just had to drop £400 on a new CPU/RAM/MOBO just to play :(

Antiquated Q9550 wasn't doing it and I can't live with ~18fps. Doing Doomthorn yesterday was "interesting" to say the least...

- GP
Same here! this game is great and so far has been my Fav MMO since starting in this type of game. I only started Wow In WOTLK so I am looking forward to the difficulty this game has in raids and dungeons!

I know I tanked a dungeon in the beta and loved it, then I stopped playing because i didnt want to spoil it. I wasnt really bothered about the extra stuff for playing the beta like.
Well even though I was VERY hungover yesterday, I still played it all day...something I dont do when hungover is play games!

First MMO I've played since WoW all those years ago that Ive really enjoyed massively.

The old formula works the best IMO and the aditional features, Warplots, World PvP, Hardcore raiding......looking forward to see where this game goes.
Headstart over tuesday morning 8am when the game is fully released (is this correct?).

Then the server population / q's / problems will really start, just like any mmo.

I'm going to wait 1/2 weeks then get the game, after the initial hassle is over.

Looks very enjoyable game right now from the streams i've watched.
6950, but that's hardly taxed - the Video settings are irrelevant, whether lowest or ultra I get the same FPS. I have the option of picking up a cheap second one for Crossfire soon too which may help but I don;t think the game/drivers are optimised for that yet unless I'm mistaken? Not sure if my PSU could handle 2 anyway (Corsair HX650)

- GP
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6950, but that's hardly taxed - the Video settings are irrelevant, whether lowest or ultra I get the same FPS. I have the option of picking up a cheap second one for Crossfire soon too which may help but I don;t think the game/drivers are optimised for that yet unless I'm mistaken? Not sure if my PSU could handle 2 anyway (Corsair HX650)

- GP

Same here, single 670 and res/vsync/settings etc. doesn't affect fps, it just drops in certain areas regardless. Needs some optimisation pronto, beta was the same. It's not awful and the stutters are gone, but the game isn't pretty enough to warrant drops in fps where in a game like TERA it wouldn't drop.
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I think a big thing are sprites and effects. For example, in the Dominion early zones there's one with the Draken area - when the "blood mist" effect thing happens my frame rate got destroyed, similar thing in other areas. Really hoping the upgrade helps, although it seems other people have had success. Needs upgrading either way and it's one less bit to replace if it need a new GPU but as the FPS seems settings irrelevant I'm 99% sure it's CPU

- GP
Oh noooo I really want to know what was said...anyways this day is going so slow :( I want to get home and get on it. I dont mind the que becuase ill just log in on my laptop and play the ps4 until I get in :)

I just got one so I have plenty of games to get through on it! So much gaming not enough time
Oh and I forgot to mention, I recently got the new RATZ MMO 7 mouse and the right click lock button is a god send! abit pricey but I knew that it would come in handy for this game and I must say that its the best buy I have done this year!
Headstart over tuesday morning 8am when the game is fully released (is this correct?).

Then the server population / q's / problems will really start, just like any mmo.

I think more than not, the people who wanted to play aka the masses of fans, have already bought it. Also, no queues on Acendancy for me since last night and this afternoon, guess I'm lucky.
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