Wildstar New MMO (NCSoft and Carbine Studios)

Most seem to be on ravenous exile, no official guild I dont think but theres a few people have made.

We set up our guild just fine although we traded it to each other rather than mail.

If anyone wants to join our guild then feel free to add me in game - Murrayy. PvX guild during leveling and at end game. Also we have Teamspeak yo.

Forgot to mention we are on Ravenous
Only thing that annoys me about queues is that it thinks I'm on a guest account and haven't bought the game.

Patch notes say they fixed the issue with it incorrectly placing people in guest queue, but mine still says it even though I've bought the game.

Just irks me that I've given my money and being treated second class. But other than that, I think its been a great launch and an absolutely brilliant game.
Only thing that annoys me about queues is that it thinks I'm on a guest account and haven't bought the game.

Patch notes say they fixed the issue with it incorrectly placing people in guest queue, but mine still says it even though I've bought the game.

Just irks me that I've given my money and being treated second class. But other than that, I think its been a great launch and an absolutely brilliant game.

Are you referring to the red writing that says "Guest accounts will be given low priority in the que" as I think that's a disclaimer that everyone gets...
Kinda shows that there's less Dominion when we only had our first and only person hit 50 tonight. Exile have had every class dinging 50 since yesterday.
Has any one else had trouble with random frame rate drops and stuttering my rate drops down to 2 fps sometimes its really annoying.

I have a i5 2500k and sli 770's i shouldn't be lagging as much as i am
Haven't had drops like that DooMer but some zones i've noticed have ridiculously low overall FPS. I'm in Wildrerrun just now and all of a sudden am only getting 20-25fps. 2500k + 7850, not exactly cutting edge but they're both overclocked and would have expected better.

Is 50 the level cap?

Yeah. Quite a lot to do once you get there though.
Kinda shows that there's less Dominion when we only had our first and only person hit 50 tonight. Exile have had every class dinging 50 since yesterday.

I saw that pop up, still a bit annoying its got 'old skool' server rules in that you cant make an opposing faction toon on the same server. Given how queues are at the moment I really don't want to server swap if I can help it.
Anybody figured out how to get the Steam overlay working with this? If there is one thing an MMO could provide that'd impress me it's a damn overlay of it's own. :p

Yeah. Quite a lot to do once you get there though.

S'all good, hope they raise it in future though.
Since you dont know much about the game and are coming in blind what are your thoughts? would be interesting to hear what you think since you wont be biased to other games and what not

Edit: sorry I am not saying you are actually blind!


Started playing today and yes, I know nothing about the game. Started a Exile Warrior on Ravenous Server (I Think) and have played for a couple of hours.

First hour was probably spent looking through the options/menus and playing around with key binds. So far it's been okay. I'm guessing I'll need to invest some time and progress a lot further to experience more, and get used to the various systems.

Most recently for me was ESO which I found very easy to get into. Prior to that would have been SWTOR which I absolutely loved, really fell in love with that one quickly.

I'm going to continue playing the warrior for now up to level 10ish before trying out a few others.
Uhh :( went out for something to eat and left a server that was high pop, came back and all 3 servers that I have characters on all have ques. I'm sick of this stone age technology! Some day MMO's will have just 1 server for everyone, with no ques...that day will be glorious.
It's awesome that they've far surpassed the numbers they'd predicted, I just wish they'd done more research than just go off the open beta numbers. Now to wait to play my main on Hazak or start over...
Uhh :( went out for something to eat and left a server that was high pop, came back and all 3 servers that I have characters on all have ques. I'm sick of this stone age technology! Some day MMO's will have just 1 server for everyone, with no ques...that day will be glorious.

You mean EVE Online?
Uhh :( went out for something to eat and left a server that was high pop, came back and all 3 servers that I have characters on all have ques. I'm sick of this stone age technology! Some day MMO's will have just 1 server for everyone, with no ques...that day will be glorious.

That'll be the day that subs are 19.99 not 8.99 a month or whatever Wildstar is. :)
That'll be the day that subs are 19.99 not 8.99 a month or whatever Wildstar is. :)

I'm still amazed that sub prices and (for the most part) box prices haven't increased. My first MMO was City of Heroes in 2004/5 and it was £8.99 pm.

If only everything else in life stayed the same price over the years :p
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