Wildstar New MMO (NCSoft and Carbine Studios)

The nightmare when you just about to kill a mini boss you DC have to restart your router then go to log back in to be greeted with a 40+min queue :(

Still really enjoying this game I have to say. Despite me saying I was going to roll stalker as main... I'm enjoying my spell slinger much more :p so sticking with her for now. I just love the mobility so much dashing and darting about the place I find so refreshing for an mmo rather than run to mob stand in one place mash 1, 2, 3, 1 :p although it's took me a while to get used to spell surge, I'm still not sure I like the mechanic that much but adds a bit of variety I guess.
Well, upgraded my PC today for this.

Asus P5k

i5 4670k
Gigabyte Z973-DP

Same HD6950, SSD and Xonar. Run at 1080p

The difference is night and say - previously I was averaging about 17-25fps at best (30 if in a single person instance). This was regardless of settings. Now I'm getting 45ish in populated areas and towns, upwards of 70 in the wilds and instances and that's with graphics around Med/High settings, still need to tweak. Clearly shows the CPU bottleneck there and anybody else having issues with performance, this may help decide if it's worth splashing out or not. Offline at the moment as thy are having some performance issues on the servers, but going to go in for some full runs tomorrow!

- GP
Finished my hoverboard park. If anyone wants to try it on a normal mount or a hoverboard then feel free to add me. Murrayy on Ravenous.
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