Wildstar New MMO (NCSoft and Carbine Studios)

I am lagging behind but I don’t want to rush it, everything I am doing now is new and me and drumunsta are doing an adventure tonight if anyone wants to join.

All we need is the DPS and will always ask in the guild before we go to the LFG tool
I have an i7 920 and gtx660ti. The game has never used more than 70% of either the CPUs or GPU. Yet I can't manage above 40fps in zones. Also noticed it really doesn't like hyperthreading.
I've just discovered that if I run in fullscreen mode then I hover around 30-35fps but if I switch to borderless window I get in the mid 40's. This is on ultra settings at 2560x1440.
New hoverboard!

How are the majority getting on with this game then. Did it grab you straight away or did you have to work at it?

I've just hit level 10 and if I'm honest it just ain't working for me. I'm going to persevere but so far just not my cup of tea. As a little test earlier I went back and rolled a new player in SWTOR, playing through the started area (which I've done a lot) and really enjoyed it.

Maybe just getting to old for this MMO stuff lol.

3 Passes:


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used that one ! thank you sir.

Well chuffed that I can get to test it again..i wasn't really sold on beta and i have something to keep me busy now :D
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T8 Charged Shot on Spellslinger is insane, i'm regularly seeing 10k+ crits with it in PvP now and that's in PvE gear :p
How are the majority getting on with this game then. Did it grab you straight away or did you have to work at it?

I've just hit level 10 and if I'm honest it just ain't working for me. I'm going to persevere but so far just not my cup of tea. As a little test earlier I went back and rolled a new player in SWTOR, playing through the started area (which I've done a lot) and really enjoyed it.

Maybe just getting to old for this MMO stuff lol.

3 Passes:


Low levels were boring for me. Once you can start doing adventures (15) and dungeons (20) it gets a lot better.
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