Wildstar New MMO (NCSoft and Carbine Studios)

I am enjoying this more than any other mmo in years. The fact we can't just stand - select - press 1 2 3 4 5 etc rinse and repeat really makes a difference to me even though I've died because of my jumping around a few times.

The only criticism I have of the game is the quest/path system and the quest tracker. It can get a bit confusing as to what's what at times.

Sums it up for me to, the text in the quest tracker seems to overlap it self sometimes.
Nemesis any chance of an invite to the guild?

Name: Destroyer
Class: Spell Slinger

Looking to be a healer, currently level 12 and names Destroyers in-game

Sure, not on right now so will have to be tomorrow.

Just tried says your account does not exist, same with Medrian
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Nem, still having probs with ya website :p can I get an invite to the guild at all? Either Khallon (eng) or Rhauvin (spellslinger), neither are very high... !

Will be on tomorrow at some point, possibly midday for an hour. Failing that in the evening after 8.
Well I caved and bought it. Downloaded and ready to go, but too tired to bother tonight.

I want to roll a tank, but I'm not sure which to pick, the engineer sounds interesting, but is it a "range tank"?
Nem, still having probs with ya website :p can I get an invite to the guild at all? Either Khallon (eng) or Rhauvin (spellslinger), neither are very high... !

Will be on tomorrow at some point, possibly midday for an hour. Failing that in the evening after 8.

I set up a account for you, did you get my email with all the details?

Hey Nem, any chance me and my m8 can join your guild? Names are Mintberrycrunch and Unfazed.

Sure, will drop you a invite tonight when I'm home from work, or you can contact Tyranade in game, she is on mostly during the day.
Bit sad to see that the OCUK guild is on Ravenous Exile side, been having a lot of fun in our Dominion guild with world PvP there. Keep an eye out for the Robot Mafia, and if you see a warrior called mcguig please go easy on him ;)
Getting a bit annoyed with buggy quests now. The main lore quests with Drusera seem to be bugged at every stage. Each time they patch one the following one you get a few levels later ends up bugged too.

They're main story of the whole game, you'd think these of all quests would have been fixed by now.
If you are on Ravenous Dominion side, give me a shout, we have a guild up and going on there with like minded people (not an OCuk guild)
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