Wildstar New MMO (NCSoft and Carbine Studios)

If you are on Ravenous Dominion side, give me a shout, we have a guild up and going on there with like minded people (not an OCuk guild)

Casual friendly? I'm looking for a Dom guild, but with family commitments, it's difficult to get in at specific times. I'm also leveling purely through WFs (currently a 22 Stalker called Playtime.)
Played to level 10 this weekend. I'm enjoying it quite a lot (not as much as I used to enjoy MMOs though). It's just finding the time to play it that's difficult.

It's quite poorly optimised for my late 2013 rMBP though. Microstutters galore. It's still playable though.
Getting a bit annoyed with buggy quests now. The main lore quests with Drusera seem to be bugged at every stage. Each time they patch one the following one you get a few levels later ends up bugged too.

They're main story of the whole game, you'd think these of all quests would have been fixed by now.
They are the buggiest quests in the game because they weren't beta tested, to keep the story secret. Dunno why, it's nothing that spectacular
Well after doing the level 40 main story quest, my character looks like something out of the 80's and it's horrible playing it.

It's literally changed her looks completely and no matter what i wear she still looks the same from that quest. Even messing around with costumes hasn't worked at all, it's pretty damn stupid really.
Del 707...

I am an engi tank, atm i am 20 and to do my first dongon but did the adventure (pre dungon), its mainly AoE threat i am using with my bot to spilt damage/threat. They are fun as its a different take on tanking lol :p
Played to lvl 15 at the weekend and really enjoyed it.

A few questions:
Are the scan bots a pre order thing or are they a class pet, i see loads around and wonder if i missed something?

Is salvaging worth it early on in game or are people just selling there junk and unwanted gear? i have been salvaging to break the item down to mats for crafting but i only have 5 gold. Wondering if i should have been selling instead....
Me and 2 mates have just started playing.
At what kind of level do you meet up? We all seem to be in different areas.

From the very start of the game. If you invite each other to a group, then just "Sync to Group" using the button on the group pane and you'll be in the same instance. If you've all done the introduction area and have moved into the first proper zone then unless you all manually go to the other zones by traveling, then you don't meet up until after the 2nd zone I believe (when you hit the capital).
Having a lot of fun with the Engineer. Was a little slow at first but now got a good build and nice rotation so a lot better, currently Level 23. Still not tanked a dungeon yet. Hopefully soon.

Also been playing a Spellslinger and it's not really warming to me. Will stick to my medic for healing.
So I have heard that this game is getting some great reviews, unfortunately I don’t have the links because works access to the internet is very restrictive. At the moment I haven’t read any of them and I probably don’t need to because this game has got me hooked. So much so that I actually look forward to finishing work and spending my free time playing it. I recently bought a PS4 which hasn’t had a look in, but it did come in useful while the ques where rather large ha-ha

Me and my brother have made a dominion PvP character and are concentrating on just levelling up using the BG’s so far I think I am level 13 and haven’t touched a single quest (other than the starting area and reaching level 6) and it doesn’t feel like it’s slow or anything. The warrior is far better in PvP than I thought, I did the beta as PvE and he was quite boring and the dps was rather slow.

Looking at doing the new dungeon but have only just hit level 20 on my medic and I feel that I need more gear and a few more levels before I attempt this. Never really done Storm Talon so it should be interesting!
Think i'm done with the game... hasn't captured me at all.

GL and HF all.

Same here, feel I've wasted my money but I might eventually push to level 50 and see what the end game is like but this leveling process is painful, the questing system is god awful.
Really enjoying this so far, I haven't had the urge to play this type of MMO since the early WoW days.

How on earth does anyone get anything done once they get their house... I could spend ages sorting that out :D
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