Wildstar New MMO (NCSoft and Carbine Studios)

I'm still ingame on Ravenous. Bit wonky though as that's 2 BG matches in a row weve all been booted back to the city part way through.
Me and my brother have made a dominion PvP character and are concentrating on just levelling up using the BG’s so far I think I am level 13 and haven’t touched a single quest (other than the starting area and reaching level 6) and it doesn’t feel like it’s slow or anything. The warrior is far better in PvP than I thought, I did the beta as PvE and he was quite boring and the dps was rather slow.
:mad: why was I not invited, have a level 0 toon for a few days ready to go :o
Me and my brother have made a dominion PvP character and are concentrating on just levelling up using the BG’s so far I think I am level 13 and haven’t touched a single quest (other than the starting area and reaching level 6) and it doesn’t feel like it’s slow or anything.

I've been doing this too! Just hit 23 and am using the housing pvp xp boost (10%) and authenticator 2% xp gain. I have to say, since 20 things have slowed down quite a bit. I still aim to hit max level through PvP alone though.
I've been doing this too! Just hit 23 and am using the housing pvp xp boost (10%) and authenticator 2% xp gain. I have to say, since 20 things have slowed down quite a bit. I still aim to hit max level through PvP alone though.

Dont you want see any of the pve content?
Dont you want see any of the pve content?

I've never really been interested in PvE. I might help some guildies out if they need help, but my preference has always been PvP. I know there are FPS and such for a straight up PvP fix (and I do play some of them), I just enjoy the potential for PvP with familiar faces in a persistent world.
I've made a Dominion on Ascendancy (PvE server) as a RL friend wanted to play some with me, but he hates PvP servers. He's only on trial atm, but I guess I'll be playing spread between the 2 servers. He doesn't play anywhere near as much as I do though.
Hit 50 today and started doing the dailies. Raid attunement process seems quite long, but it will be a while before anyone is ready for it anyway. Going to just do my dailies and start running dungeons from tomorrow, I think I've got semi-decent tanking gear on my engineer but I have no idea how to tank yet!
:mad: why was I not invited, have a level 0 toon for a few days ready to go :o

Sorry I didnt realise if any1 else was doing Dominion side aswell. Send me an account friendship and then I know when you doing ya PvP dominion guy.

What have you done, so far its a warrior and stalker...so much fun!
Can someone do me a favour that is on the server ravenous? Can you check on the CX how much galactium chunks are at atm? I'm currently at work so can't check, cheers.
Sorry I didnt realise if any1 else was doing Dominion side aswell. Send me an account friendship and then I know when you doing ya PvP dominion guy.

What have you done, so far its a warrior and stalker...so much fun!

Stalker and he is still level 0, name Shivi, what I actually wanted to do was get like 8/12 stalkers ...you can guess why :D
I'd be up for some stalker fun.

Currently running this:


With mostly PvP gear. Since hitting 24 I can pretty much 1v1 most other people. I've just got concussive kicks, so might swap out a skill for that.

My experience of BGs is that you need to keep out of the zerg tele spam and skirt the edges. I've had more fun either guarding the masks (which means you get a lot of 1v1 / 2v1 etc and can really improve) or skirting the edges and taking down healers.

It's possible to AoE and pin people down, but we seem squishier than other classes, so unless you have healing, in the 15-29 bracket, you wont last long.
What are these dailies and are they as monotonous a grind as the 'lazy design disguised as content' that are the WoW dailies?

They are exactly that. No matter how clever or interesting something is, doing it every day will become monotonous regardless. If you hated/are fed up of them in WoW, you will quickly tire of them here too.
I wonder if 'Mr Dog' has tried this game out yet lol since he is the one who started this threat lol :rolleyes:

Also I did a dungeon run last night on my medic as a healer and was great fun! Struggled on the mini boss before storm talon and had to skip him…still not sure what we were doing wrong!
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I wonder if 'Mr Dog' has tried this game out yet lol since he is the one who started this threat lol :rolleyes:

Also I did a dungeon run last night on my medic as a healer and was great fun! Struggled on the mini boss before storm talon and had to skip him…still not sure what we were doing wrong!

Next week or so Raiden will start doing runs, (hopefully) and he pretty good at learning everything pre-aid :D
Yeah that guys a right pain!

We cleared that dungeon last night and on the main bosses was no more than 3 tries, Stormtalon went down second try, but that guy we needed like 10!

Got him in the end though :D
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