Wildstar New MMO (NCSoft and Carbine Studios)

The Error I was getting was as followed: Network Error: Unable to Connect

I would only get this after the crash, then about 30mins later I can get back on :s and I had full internet connection too. I also done have the two step verification either.
Week into it and I am becoming frustrated, not so much by the game but by the fact I have to complete every task in every zone :) Anyone else do this?

My biggest gripe is it still feels a little bit like an on-line single player game although I haven't got that far yet.

Has potential and not bored of it, I think that I may have 'grown out' of MMOs a little though.
I'm not sure how I could get bored of this, the sheer amount of stuff to do is a bit overwhelming at times. I'm currently level 44 so haven't even hit the endgame but I can't wait to start the raid attunements!

I've just joined a very active and promising guild and it feels like I have found a true MMO experience. People always willing to help with quests, always someone around to group for a dungeon with or to blow off some steam in PVP. No more of the 'single-player' MMO experience I've had in the past few games I've tried :)
Week into it and I am becoming frustrated, not so much by the game but by the fact I have to complete every task in every zone :) Anyone else do this?

My biggest gripe is it still feels a little bit like an on-line single player game although I haven't got that far yet.

Has potential and not bored of it, I think that I may have 'grown out' of MMOs a little though.

Why do you have to finish every task, I do maybe a 3rd of most areas, as I like to share them with my many alts :o, it certainly cant be because you need the XP to level as this game well to level 30 anyway has twice the amount of quests required.
I'm getting more addicted if anything...

One issue that will stop me from subbing is the lack of action on the bot problem. It's getting really bad in BGs.

Yesterday, in the 14-29 bracket, out of 17+ games, in each game at least 3-4 people were botting or AFKing. At one point, 7 people on my time were bots! Absolutely impossible to win under these circumstances. I just stealthed around tethering people, waiting for the inevitable 5-0 lose.
Why do you have to finish every task, I do maybe a 3rd of most areas, as I like to share them with my many alts :o, it certainly cant be because you need the XP to level as this game well to level 30 anyway has twice the amount of quests required.

If you do that towards the later levels, you'll run out of quests mid-40. I do every quest (within reason) and hit 50 upon handing in the final story quest.
I'm getting more addicted if anything...

One issue that will stop me from subbing is the lack of action on the bot problem. It's getting really bad in BGs.

Yesterday, in the 14-29 bracket, out of 17+ games, in each game at least 3-4 people were botting or AFKing. At one point, 7 people on my time were bots! Absolutely impossible to win under these circumstances. I just stealthed around tethering people, waiting for the inevitable 5-0 lose.

When people say botting what does that mean, how can you tell the difference between a bot and someone who is actually playing?
When people say botting what does that mean, how can you tell the difference between a bot and someone who is actually playing?

Well the basic ones seem to just run forward repeatedly dieing, not trying anything else. The ones which are a bit more advanced repeat the same actions every match. Some run around the mask post repeatedly attacking. These you can just stay out of their way, pick the mask up and leave them to keep running.

Others repeatedly run to the other sides mask post and stand still until they die and repeat.

The advanced ones seemed to follow a recorded route around the map, amusingly attacking nothing or casting heals on nothing. They just run past you ignoring you, so are free kills.

A lot of them have names like 'asdf', 'asdasdasd' or similar. I assume they're going to bot to 50 then pay for a name change.

Then you have the afk'ers who just sit at spawn, and move occasionally to get around the new afk system.

I just ticket them all in the hope something will be done.
The game is overwhelming. It's really misleading because it looks like a silly little free to play spacey game when you first start playing, but the sheer amount of stuff to do is mind blowing. I love it so far but I am only level 10.

The crafting looks awesome. One worrying thing tough, I get a mount at lvl 15 but it costs 10 gold?? At level 10 I have just over 1 gold. Is that right??
When people say botting what does that mean, how can you tell the difference between a bot and someone who is actually playing?

Typically, they move in predictable patterns to stop being afk flagged (wall running etc) and at the end of the match, will come out as 0,0,0,0 etc on the scoreboards
The game is overwhelming. It's really misleading because it looks like a silly little free to play spacey game when you first start playing, but the sheer amount of stuff to do is mind blowing. I love it so far but I am only level 10.

The crafting looks awesome. One worrying thing tough, I get a mount at lvl 15 but it costs 10 gold?? At level 10 I have just over 1 gold. Is that right??

By the time you hit 15 you should have enough, only by the abilities you will use and you should be sorted.
The game is overwhelming. It's really misleading because it looks like a silly little free to play spacey game when you first start playing, but the sheer amount of stuff to do is mind blowing. I love it so far but I am only level 10.

The crafting looks awesome. One worrying thing tough, I get a mount at lvl 15 but it costs 10 gold?? At level 10 I have just over 1 gold. Is that right??

I was level 18-20 before I had enough gold, it starts to come a lot faster after level 10 though.
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