Wildstar New MMO (NCSoft and Carbine Studios)

Pretty fed up with pick-up-groups tonight, first adventure a gadget drops, active is something like increases deflect rating for 15 seconds. I was the tank, obviously need on it... healer also decides to need on it, and wins. Later on, a tank implant drops (tech, grit, deflect rating) and a DPS stalker needs on it. He started apologising profusely but it's easy to do that once the item's in your bag.
personally I think they should have restricted lfg to your own realm only or provide a tool like wow has to see who is looking that way it's better for people to build up a list of who they like to play with on the realm and not or server rep you don't get that with cross realm

on the raid attunement part to do timed veteran dungeons stage now should be fun :)
Played an engineer up to lvl 20 but found it a bit dull. Have now rolled a warrior and at lvl 9 so far and it seems to be more enjoyable.

Do we have an Exile Ravenous guild?
personally I think they should have restricted lfg to your own realm only or provide a tool like wow has to see who is looking that way it's better for people to build up a list of who they like to play with on the realm and not or server rep you don't get that with cross realm

on the raid attunement part to do timed veteran dungeons stage now should be fun :)

There is an option in the group finder to select your realm only, so they got you covered if that's what you want. When I tank I select realm only cause its instant queue, when I heal or DPS I select all realms so the queue is shorter.

There is an option in the group finder to select your realm only, so they got you covered if that's what you want. When I tank I select realm only cause its instant queue, when I heal or DPS I select all realms so the queue is shorter.


I know that's why I said it should be restricted to just your own server :)
I know that's why I said it should be restricted to just your own server :)

So you think they should take away the choice completely? I always think it's better to be able to decide for yourself which you would prefer, cause realm only invariably means longer queue times.

Don't really understand why you would prefer to take away peoples option to queue whichever way they prefer.

Sounds a bit harsh like I'm having a go, but just bored at work :p
I am sure a lot of us can invite to the guild aswell

Yup forget who can and who cant right now, will post a list tonight, if I get out work at a reasonable hour.

Off the top of my head its:

Glinn (me)
Nemises (me)
Vindicator (:p me)
Tyranade (not me :D)
Raidin (again not me :p)
Gypsea (...still not me)

Best bet is me in the evening, Tyranade in the day, there are quite a few others but I forget who now.
Need to grab a guild invite now I gots approved :p should be on in the next 20minutes or so for half an hour before the World Cup :)

(Rhauvin if any one is on here and has inviting powers)
Anyone got a trial code i can use... very interested in picking this up but not sure still from watching streams. Pm me one if anyone can... Thank you in advance
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