Wildstar New MMO (NCSoft and Carbine Studios)

Need to grab a guild invite now I gots approved :p should be on in the next 20minutes or so for half an hour before the World Cup :)

(Rhauvin if any one is on here and has inviting powers)

Think for a while I will set it that all members can invite, and see how it goes, though it’s something that often seems to bring in the undesirables!
So you think they should take away the choice completely? I always think it's better to be able to decide for yourself which you would prefer, cause realm only invariably means longer queue times.

Don't really understand why you would prefer to take away peoples option to queue whichever way they prefer.

Sounds a bit harsh like I'm having a go, but just bored at work :p

Well obviously not now it would have had to be a decision before the game launched but reputation on servers in mmo's was a great thing
Two gold runs on Veteran Crimelords of Whitevale last night. Definitely the easiest one to do it on but hopefully we can add to it. Got silver in Veteran War of the Wilds too. Hopefully I'll be geared for dungeons soon!
For people just turning/turned 50, the reputation vendor in grimvault sells decent level 50 blue gear, should fill a couple of your slots.
I am a long way off from level 50 but what would I need to do, I am only level 23 haha

Do we have to grind Rep? do daily adventures or dungeons? I would like to get prepared for this. I am going to have a good stint tonight so wonder how far I can get. I just got to the next area where the PvP starts!
That was a good read, the website was horrible to read it from though so just copied it over to Word. This has made me even more determined to get to end level and I am hoping to get a good stint on tonight (if I have fixed the problems I had last night) Level 23-30 tonight? ha-ha

Can I ask if anyone else is having the problems I am having?

I recently just did a fresh install of my Operating System and installed Wildstar and 2 other games. Since then I am having a few problems I now crash to desktop without warning and then it won’t let me connect to the server.

I have full internet connection, the server wasn’t down and I tried logging onto my laptop which it still didn’t happen. I only have 4GB or RAM and I have 8GB on the way so I will be updating that tomorrow.

The support has asked me to run a programme and they have given me the I.P address of their server to if they can identify the problem. But this has only happened since I have done a fresh install. I don’t even have any add-ons installed. I am going to also check If I have all of the updates for windows tonight, and I have allowed Wildstar through my firewall.

Am I missing anything else?
About not being able to log on, what does it say? If you. If it is invalid username/password and you are using two step verification, try syncing your authenticator.

As for the crashes I have them too, so do a few of my friends, not sure what the cause is.
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