Wildstar New MMO (NCSoft and Carbine Studios)

Really enjoying this Alpha Bravo zone (The lunar place), by far my favourite zone so far :)

Just a quick question for others though, I seem to be getting through content very quickly...I'm lvl33 and my current /played is 2days2hrs and that's with a good 4-5hrs of not actually doing quests, is there anything else I can be doing other than questing? WHen I hit 30 I unlocked new adventures but can't select it on my group finder for example :confused:
Really enjoying this Alpha Bravo zone (The lunar place), by far my favourite zone so far :)

Just a quick question for others though, I seem to be getting through content very quickly...I'm lvl33 and my current /played is 2days2hrs and that's with a good 4-5hrs of not actually doing quests, is there anything else I can be doing other than questing? WHen I hit 30 I unlocked new adventures but can't select it on my group finder for example :confused:

With the adventures you have to go and discover it first, before it becomes available in the LFG. I know with the level 30 Adventure you have a 'mini quest' when you get in the Sim-Core place
Yes each adventure is unlocked via a Sim-Core quest, as all adventures are actually simulations you are running designed by the Eldan.

Check your quest log, you will have quests for them, very short quests and then you can queue for them in group finder.

Dungeons you must actually go to the location of the dungeon, there are no quests leading you there, then it is available in your group finder.

So to split up your questing you have adventures, dungeons, battlegrounds and arena's. I'm usually queueing for one or the other while I'm questing (unless I'm getting stuck in to some open world PvP!).
I did the first dungeon at lvl20 and it was awesome, people say they are hard but with a group who communicates we found it rather easy, only had 1 wipe per boss :)
I am on Zhur and could probably do with a guild but my time is all over the place.

My Medic is only level 26, but Im plodding along :)

Missed this one, you're more than welcome to join if you're on Exile. We're an end-game guild rather than a levelling guild but it's very social so there's plenty of company conversation-wise!
Well my aim was to get to level 40 by Friday, I am scrapping that and I will push to get to level 40 tonight! I still need to do the level 35 Dungeon but need to wait for my brother to catch up so we can get a group going.

Friday night I am getting a games night together so it will be held for wildstar again lol I am looking to get as close as I can by the end of the month, but still enjoy the content and not rush too quickly though it. Mind I can always do that with alts ha-ha

Has there been any date set for this 'Ultra Drop' Strain update?
Missed this one, you're more than welcome to join if you're on Exile. We're an end-game guild rather than a levelling guild but it's very social so there's plenty of company conversation-wise!

I am indeed Exile, im fully interested in doing all the group stuff but just know it will probably take longer to get to 50 than most.

Will try and drop you a whisper when im on in the evenings for an invite.
Looking forward to having some more guildies at 50. I've been hitting the vet adventures pretty hard to try and gear up (with not much success so far from the drops perspective) and looking to start vet dungeons this weekend. Problem is that PUGs on those are probably not worth the time due to the co-ordination needed. Hopefully when people are max-levelled I can help people on runs etc. and we can get some guild-runs going

- GP
I am surprised we havent had screenies of everyones house yet lol

Looking forward to having some more guildies at 50. I've been hitting the vet adventures pretty hard to try and gear up (with not much success so far from the drops perspective) and looking to start vet dungeons this weekend. Problem is that PUGs on those are probably not worth the time due to the co-ordination needed. Hopefully when people are max-levelled I can help people on runs etc. and we can get some guild-runs going

- GP

I have a few questions about Vet Adventures.
How difficult are they?
Do you do them all or just que for specific ones.
Should I do anything in particular before starting them?

Just in prep for when I hit 50 haha
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Looking forward to having some more guildies at 50. I've been hitting the vet adventures pretty hard to try and gear up (with not much success so far from the drops perspective) and looking to start vet dungeons this weekend. Problem is that PUGs on those are probably not worth the time due to the co-ordination needed. Hopefully when people are max-levelled I can help people on runs etc. and we can get some guild-runs going

- GP

Think we will definitely going to need another officer to help run dungeons & raids,
We had or have 3 officer who normally tend to lead these, but only one of them has joined for this game, and he not being the most active.

So if you want to man up and take that over :p let me know :o

Added: or anyone else that either has done this before or wants to give it a try.
Vet adventures.... in all honesty, they are easy, like REALLY easy (providing you know what you're doing and what's happening). When you're 50 we can go face-roll some :P The reason why they are considered tricky is simply because if you want Gold (or silver) there are more specific requirements and the RNG can influence it a lot. When I first did them I didn't know what I was doing so I just queued for any for experience. I've completed all of them on Gold at least once (I'm looking at you Malgrave Trail) but need Malgrave for attunement and that along with Siege for loot so just queueing for those.

Crime Lords -

Just know the route (3-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 etc.) It's the easiest one by far and even Gold is frankly guaranteed. Gold = time limit + don't die

War of the Wilds -

This one is possibly the one I hate the most. For gold you need to get "rank 1", which is kills on champs, hold a very specific number of totems (too low and you get pushed back, too many and you win too fast!) and complete 2 optional objectives. It's possibly the worst from an RNG perspective as the optional (required) parts come 10 or so minutes apart. This means if done right you're literally waiting around standing there waiting for the next one to pop. If you get an unlucky one (there is a random set they choose from) then potentially you cannot win.

Siege -

Not really hard, just need to "keep it up" and avoid saboteurs. If the DPS is low then it can hurt later on as this gradually gets reduced over time. Currently the bomb trucks are bugged ,this will be much harder when they aren't

Malgrave -

This one is hard, simply because you need to keep all 30 people alive, but again, only for gold. Go for silver and it's quite easy...

I'm sure the dungeons are a whole different kettle of fish, especially considering what I have read. That's the main reason I'm trying to hold off until people from the guild are ready as I feel PUGs there just won't be viable (plus gives me more time to gear up, which as a tank should make it easier on everybody else if I have better kit) in the short term. Eventually they will be doable by PUGs on a general scale I think, but my repair bills are high enough as it is from tanking without 50 unnecessary wipes!

- GP
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Think we will definitely going to need another officer to help run dungeons & raids,
We had or have 3 officer who normally tend to lead these, but only one of them has joined for this game, and he not being the most active.

So if you want to man up and take that over :p let me know :o

Added: or anyone else that either has done this before or wants to give it a try.

Happy to help. Was GM, raid-leader and class leader (all at the same time, I was tired :P) for a top-3 server progression guild back in my hay-day (WOW Vanilla - WOTLK)

- GP
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This game has a lot of great features, such as amazingly in depth crafting. Cool housing; path quests etc. However I never feel the desire to log in. I always have to force myself to play it. I think that means that maybe, I just don't really like it.

On another note, I like the new features that ESO added with latest patch.
Ordered one of those Spes clip-on mics this morning so I can jump on TS3 and hopefully some of you in the guild will be PvP'ing together at 50 soon.

I find PUGs in BG's really frustrating atm when it comes to gear progression. I get a good run of matches and my rating goes up to 1300+ then i either get a run of bad matches or like last night join 3 losing matches right before they were ending and my rating tanks back down to where where i started. I was even down at 1100 last night before getting it back up to 1200 before logging off lol. So i'm still in a mixture of PvP blues and some crafted gear for the specials like free interrupt armors.

It'll be nice to PvP with others in the guild on TS as at 50 it's much more difficult to be able to turn the tide of the matches solo compared to the pre-50 brackets. Haven't tried arenas yet as that requires you have a group to do em.

I think my Esper (Zotik) will end up being my main as i really like the way it plays and how useful it's CC is for objectives. My Warrior (NexusK) just feels to cheesy in it's current OP state.

Edit - saying that... i have a little Engineer i wouldn't mind getting to 50 too. I'm a bit of an altaholic with too much time on my hands :p
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Happy to help. Was GM, raid-leader and class leader (all at the same time, I was tired :P) for a top-3 server progression guild back in my hay-day (WOW Vanilla - WOTLK)

- GP

If you want to run with this, it would be much appreciated, if you on this weekend jump on TS so we can have a chat :D, this is one of our weak spots right now with most people new to the guild.

Ordered one of those Spes clip-on mics this morning so I can jump on TS3 and hopefully some of you in the guild will be PvP'ing together at 50 soon.

I find PUGs in BG's really frustrating atm when it comes to gear progression. I get a good run of matches and my rating goes up to 1300+ then i either get a run of bad matches or like last night join 3 losing matches right before they were ending and my rating tanks back down to where where i started. I was even down at 1100 last night before getting it back up to 1200 before logging off lol. So i'm still in a mixture of PvP blues and some crafted gear for the specials like free interrupt armors.

It'll be nice to PvP with others in the guild on TS as at 50 it's much more difficult to be able to turn the tide of the matches solo compared to the pre-50 brackets. Haven't tried arenas yet as that requires you have a group to do em.

I think my Esper (Zotik) will end up being my main as i really like the way it plays and how useful it's CC is for objectives. My Warrior (NexusK) just feels to cheesy in it's current OP state.

Edit - saying that... i have a little Engineer i wouldn't mind getting to 50 too. I'm a bit of an altaholic with too much time on my hands :p
This is another weak spot, finding a person reliable to run Arena/BG/WP ect.

Never realised you were Zotik, and PvP on TS3 win or lose is 100 times better, wait till we start doing daily wPvP run, they the best, and it something we always do, I’m level 41 now, so not that far off to being ready for level 50 arena PvP.

I will be willing to join any team, just so long as I don’t have to lead it, just not my thing, but it must have 1 person leading and making all the decision, good or bad everyone should follow them, if not happy with the tactics, they can discuss the merits of them afterwards and NOT DURING!

The wPvP, which I will lead :D will be the same as what we did in Sw:ToR, meet up at around 19:30 every night and run till 20:30, one hour of pure mayhem!!

To join any guild activities, be it arena, wPvP, dungeons or raids, using our VOIP is a must.

Added: meant to say I have a Medic at level 1, so done zilch on him, don't want to level solo, was thinking of maybe spending 1 hour a evening for now levelling him, just need another alta-holic partner :D
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