Wildstar New MMO (NCSoft and Carbine Studios)

This is another weak spot, finding a person reliable to run Arena/BG/WP ect.

Never realised you were Zotik, and PvP on TS3 win or lose is 100 times better, wait till we start doing daily wPvP run, they the best, and it something we always do, I’m level 41 now, so not that far off to being ready for level 50 arena PvP.

I will be willing to join any team, just so long as I don’t have to lead it, just not my thing, but it must have 1 person leading and making all the decision, good or bad everyone should follow them, if not happy with the tactics, they can discuss the merits of them afterwards and NOT DURING!

The wPvP, which I will lead :D will be the same as what we did in Sw:ToR, meet up at around 19:30 every night and run till 20:30, one hour of pure mayhem!!

To join any guild activities, be it arena, wPvP, dungeons or raids, using our VOIP is a must.

Added: meant to say I have a Medic at level 1, so done zilch on him, don't want to level solo, was thinking of maybe spending 1 hour a evening for now levelling him, just need another alta-holic partner :D

Heh i have a full deck, all but two are in the guild i think. The Spellslinger because it's Dominion and the Stalker just because i haven't gotten around to putting it in


I'm not one for leading PvP either. Back in the day i was when i was in the same guild for 8 years but in recent years i tend to be pretty quiet on Ventrilo (this will be the first time using TS3) and prefer just following other's lead. I'm always good at what i do though as i take time to understand every class i'll be fighting :)

I don't see wPvP being a thing in this game tbh. Every day i go out of my way to start fights in The Crimson Isles area where everyone does their dailies but it never amounts to more than small skirmishes. I'm used to games where rivalry is a main thing but with this one everyone seems to just want to quest side by side and get it over and done with :(

If the clip on arrives tomorrow i'll use TS3 all the time, my old headset is dud and i just use Aurvana Live's now.

Oh and full afternoon of BG'ing and down to 1153 rating again lol.
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I am a total noob at this game. Tried pvp for 1st time a few days back and couldn't make out what was going on, lots of red lines / blue lines and people running. Think i killed two people and then it was over.

Never been one for pvp in mmo's but with so many on screen how the hell can anyone tell what is going on? do you all just mash buttons and hope for the best?

My highest toon is lvl 18 and the leveling is extremely slow in pve so to level fast is pvp the only way?

I have had a go with each of the classes but none seem to suit at the moment. :(

Got a 3 month sub and to be honest I don't see me renewing it without things improving a lot.

How NexusK above has 3 level 50's is beyond me :D
Heh i have a full deck, all but two are in the guild i think. The Spellslinger because it's Dominion and the Stalker just because i haven't gotten around to putting it in


I'm not one for leading PvP either. Back in the day i was when i was in the same guild for 8 years but in recent years i tend to be pretty quiet on Ventrilo (this will be the first time using TS3) and prefer just following other's lead. I'm always good at what i do though as i take time to understand every class i'll be fighting :)

I don't see wPvP being a thing in this game tbh. Every day i go out of my way to start fights in The Crimson Isles area where everyone does their dailies but it never amounts to more than small skirmishes. I'm used to games where rivalry is a main thing but with this one everyone seems to just want to quest side by side and get it over and done with :(

If the clip on arrives tomorrow i'll use TS3 all the time, my old headset is dud and i just use Aurvana Live's now.

Oh and full afternoon of BG'ing and down to 1153 rating again lol.

We will make it a big thing, kill every bloody Dominion player there and they will start to form up :D

Added bloody hell how many 50 you got already :( .... and may not get tonight as very late at work :( :(
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Hi all,

If I used a trial code and the time on it expired, can I just pay the £10 and get another 30 days or would I need to buy the game itself?

Anyone else raiding? The encounters are pretty legit thus far. Can't imagine anything more than the first boss being pugg'able short of nerfs in the future. Our guild hit 3/6 tonight :)
Well I failed at getting to 40 last night, had to get myself an early night was up at 5.50am to drive to chorley...get a night with my brother coming round tonight so we gonna Kane it tonight. Gonna try the 35 dungeon, just need some dps so will announce it again on guild chat. I also have TS which I know is a must if we want to make a guild run.

I was looking at the fourms for the medic DPS, my main role is a healer but is it true that they are really bad on dps meter?
I will come as dps, unfortunately only got out the office passed 9 last night so did not get on, but should be on over the weekend quite a bit, missus allowing :D
Just tried some BGs - what a complete and utter cluster****. Throw in the awful breakout mechanic and the chances of this gamne holding my attention long-term have just taken a huge nose dive. :(
Give it a few goes. It can be overwhelming at first with all the telegraphs everywhere, especially if you just dive right into the thick of it.

My advice would be to just hang back a little, take a second to take in whats going on, pick your target, strike when you see an opening.

The PvP in this game really is great when you get used to it, the aiming element of it brings a new dimension to the combat that takes it above targeted ability games imo.
Just tried some BGs - what a complete and utter cluster****. Throw in the awful breakout mechanic and the chances of this gamne holding my attention long-term have just taken a huge nose dive. :(

Think they pretty decent to be honest, quite a bit tougher in some ways than most I have played with a bigger learning curve and I think that's why people don't like them.

Its that its not best gear = win ...now it definitely requires a bit of skill.
Healing in the BGs certainly takes some patience, cannot just spam out your heals otherwise you will run out of focus very quickly as I found out on my Medic, Had to adjust my play style to accommodate a slow regenerating resource and even throw in a focus regenerator.
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