Possibly is but I don't particularly like subs anymore
Not a valid criticism of a whole business model I accept that but I just find that these days I don't play as often (job, 2 kids, wife and life) and I find it hard to justify paying £9 for a couple of hous a week. If it gets rave reviews and is still strong after a few month I may give it a try (or more likely I'll but it day one but ho hum )
Aion, Rift, and Lotro are all free to play MMo's that prove good games can be played without the need for subs. I'd also throw SWToR in the mix however it is heavily restricted, but for the amount of content you can play through without spending a penny is a fair trade off.
I have no probs with a sub really.. i mean it work about about 30p a day or something.
I paid £50 for NBA 2k14 on the ps4 and was bored after a few goes lol. These games get updated so often and so much more content added that they can be your main game for a long time.
Not sure why anyone would think this unworthy of a sub. It's got such a great look and style to the way it does everything and storywise it is more polished than wow was. I found myself just accepting quests in wow in the end without reading them and following a marker. In this you are presented quests in a style that you'll want to read and not all in one block of text which keeps you involved and on your toes.
I can only imagine how amazing tanking must be in this game due to the way you aim attacks and aoes. It's got all the best design of vanilla wow with the neat fighting features pinched from Tera and the map and collectable features taken from guild wars 2 but all done in such a beautiful way that you get lost in it.
Gotta say I'm 29 now but it's like I'm 19 again testing out the first week of wow. This is a heck of a lot better than any beta that has come before it bar none right back to when gaming began. That's an honest opinion from a lifelong mmo player.
So for anyone not really following the game that much i thought i could link the live streams they have been doing for all the classes, you learn quite a lot about different areas of the game also so they are a good watch.
This is the latest live stream for the stalker class.
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