Wildstar New MMO (NCSoft and Carbine Studios)

Well I managed to get a key from a friend but when I went to apply it to my account it turns out I can’t access my old ncsoft account. Probably explains why I never got a beta key even though I applied about a year ago. Not overly impressed.

Might have to be new account time now. :/
Saw Porkie's post above and just checked my NC account and mine has been deleted too - despite owning and playing Aion, Guildwars 1 and 2.. so my beta application from a year ago was a waste of time ...
I played beta for a good 3 and half hours tonight (which is good for me with a new 4 week old baby) and I really enjoyed it.

I can understand why some may not like it but I got strong tbc/vanilla wow vibe which I loved. I found the combat to have slightly more than your standard wow based mmo (which like most it undoubtedly is) with the dash function and the graphics were slick enough.

There are bits and prices I would improve but all in all certainly worth my money and won't be worried about investing. Get another few hours tomorrow night and I'll be we'll happy.

What's everyone else's thoughts?
Got up to lvl 10 as stalker, meh, questing is as horrible as ever, questing in gw2 is for example much more enjoyable, in wildstar you get tons of quests and they're all tedious and finding each tedious thing even with arrows is annoying.

First battleground and pvp is also terrible, everybody seems to be far too tanky and if there's healer then it's just 1 skill fest with nobody dying, horrible horrible pvp at low lvl, I don't know, maybe it will change. I suppose playing as non-stalker (who is useless after burst is done, said burst doing no damage at all), might be more enjoyable.

I don't get any vanilla wow vibe from the game at all.

So questing and lvling is subpar, pvp subpar. I did see streams of first dungeons which start at lvl 20 and they look quite good, not many mmo's have good pve like wow had, in fact gw2 had one of the worst pve dungeons I have ever played inn any game.

So apart from decent pve dungeons this game does not seem to have much potential.

All my personal view on it obviously, others may like it very much, and many in fact do like the game.
Got up to lvl 10 as stalker, meh, questing is as horrible as ever, questing in gw2 is for example much more enjoyable, in wildstar you get tons of quests and they're all tedious and finding each tedious thing even with arrows is annoying..

I agree , I think I got bored of the monotony by lvl 7

the starter areas I saw were horrible as well

I was playing as the engineer and had to constantly spam right click to shoot.
it didn't feel like you were firing a gun at all even if that's what the animation shows
I played beta for a good 3 and half hours tonight (which is good for me with a new 4 week old baby) and I really enjoyed it.

I can understand why some may not like it but I got strong tbc/vanilla wow vibe which I loved. I found the combat to have slightly more than your standard wow based mmo (which like most it undoubtedly is) with the dash function and the graphics were slick enough.

There are bits and prices I would improve but all in all certainly worth my money and won't be worried about investing. Get another few hours tomorrow night and I'll be we'll happy.

What's everyone else's thoughts?

I feel pretty much the same, enjoying it a lot so far but I think I get like this with a lot of MMOs, gonna play with it a bit longer and see if I get bored like I do with every other MMO.

Combat seems more fun than a lot of MMOs which is something I've grown really bored of a long time ago. Playing as a Spellsinger and the combo is really fun so far, enjoying the blink a lot.
To those saying they are bored of the monotony how else can an mmo do things?

Personally I prefer gw2 way of doing things but that was equally as slated as your "standard" mmo quest method. I think if they improve the "public" questing they have (I found it really poorly flagged and acknowledged) then I think the questing is just as good as most.
But what are the alternatives as the gw2 method seemed to largely slated (I loved it) so they can't really escape from a quest approach.
But is that not all mmo's? Barring tbc/vanilla the epic quest has tended to disappear. Please don't think I'm defending the game for the sake of it here, I personally prefer the gw2 approach but on the flip side if you use the method they have it is largely constrained and a fault of he genre as opposed to an in individual game.
But is that not all mmo's? Barring tbc/vanilla the epic quest has tended to disappear. Please don't think I'm defending the game for the sake of it here, I personally prefer the gw2 approach but on the flip side if you use the method they have it is largely constrained and a fault of he genre as opposed to an in individual game.

yea it's all modern mmo's but that's not an excuse.

people want things to easily these days they might as well just give you the reward and save you the walk.
The quests made me wonder if my char was obese and the quest givers were my personal trainers.

an MMO should not begin at max level which is what all modern mmos feel like if they even have any endgame content on release.
you should not be zooming through levels almost constantly , it doesn't have to feel like a grind if you have enough content for the level ranges, it doesn't have to be boring and bland.
mix some pvp in with the questing and make things a bit more interesting maybe? maybe some quest givers give you a choice, do you want the easy reward? or do you want to risk having to go near a pvp area for a better reward?

I remember in eq2 every exp group seemed like an adventure almost because there were so many long instances to explore.
now they are called dungeons which have you running along a corridor with no exploration at all, the bosses are always in the same place etc and you never encounter players inside them.

I'm not saying go back to the extremes of hardcore mmo as I doubt many people have the time for it but at least compromise and give mmos a sense of scale and challenge again
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Also latex, just saw your offer. Don't agree with your opinion but the offer is really appreciated mate, thank you :)

Yeah sorry i didn't notice you already had a key.

Working with Adsta to pass on the key i have to him.

Personally, i thought the game was terrible. It reminded me so much of that free to play MMO that Sony has, Free Realms is it?

Its just so boring and it seems heavily aimed at the younger audience IMO.
yea it's all modern mmo's but that's not an excuse.

people want things to easily these days they might as well just give you the reward and save you the walk.
The quests made me wonder if my char was obese and the quest givers were my personal trainers.

an MMO should not begin at max level which is what all modern mmos feel like if they even have any endgame content on release.
you should not be zooming through levels almost constantly , it doesn't have to feel like a grind if you have enough content for the level ranges, it doesn't have to be boring and bland.
mix some pvp in with the questing and make things a bit more interesting maybe? maybe some quest givers give you a choice, do you want the easy reward? or do you want to risk having to go near a pvp area for a better reward?

I remember in eq2 every exp group seemed like an adventure almost because there were so many long instances to explore.
now they are called dungeons which have you running along a corridor with no exploration at all, the bosses are always in the same place etc and you never encounter players inside them.

I'm not saying go back to the extremes of hardcore mmo as I doubt many people have the time for it but at least compromise and give mmos a sense of scale and challenge again

I completely agree with you, would love to see an older mmo and whilst this isn't there I did (for whatever reason) pick up a slightly old school vibe with the game. One thing that certainly suggested old was the more complicated ability system with reams of different stats and choices, love that touch! :D

I think it's something I could enjoy, certainly me missing 3.5hrs sleep is something I hardly ever do for a game these days (dota2 grabs the odd hour or two) so it was a pleasant surprise.

Will be a ***** when the beta weekend finishes as I'll be left wanting more :p
I played all 6 classes lat w/e upto the first big town around level 7/8ish to get a feel about with one I would roll first if I bought it.

I normally play a healer/mage type character but I found all 3 very similar (pointless?) and very frustrating to play.

The last character I ever roll is a warrior type but i found this to be by far the most fun and carried onto level 10ish and was sad to stop playing.

Engineer was ok, stalker seemed weak.

Hard to get a full feel of the classes by level 7/8 but their play style wont change much.
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