Got up to lvl 10 as stalker, meh, questing is as horrible as ever, questing in gw2 is for example much more enjoyable, in wildstar you get tons of quests and they're all tedious and finding each tedious thing even with arrows is annoying.
First battleground and pvp is also terrible, everybody seems to be far too tanky and if there's healer then it's just 1 skill fest with nobody dying, horrible horrible pvp at low lvl, I don't know, maybe it will change. I suppose playing as non-stalker (who is useless after burst is done, said burst doing no damage at all), might be more enjoyable.
I don't get any vanilla wow vibe from the game at all.
So questing and lvling is subpar, pvp subpar. I did see streams of first dungeons which start at lvl 20 and they look quite good, not many mmo's have good pve like wow had, in fact gw2 had one of the worst pve dungeons I have ever played inn any game.
So apart from decent pve dungeons this game does not seem to have much potential.
All my personal view on it obviously, others may like it very much, and many in fact do like the game.