Wildstar New MMO (NCSoft and Carbine Studios)

I remember in eq2 every exp group seemed like an adventure almost because there were so many long instances to explore.

Heh, trying to spawn the Scions in Stormhold as a fresh level teen, and getting murdered by a big blob spawning on you (and everyone else in the main entrance hallway looking for shinies :D) or seeing if a good group could make it all the to the bottom of Fallen Gate (after having made the journey through Nek forest with the flying murderfish).

Great game. Shame they dumbed it down so much.
Tried the engineer for an hour today, much proffered it to he spellsplinger. Liked the combos etc. hopefully get on tonight for a bit to level him a bit further.

Tried both sides and don't really have a preference. Like the machine folk on the Dominion and the Rock blokes on the Exiles.
I've been playing a bit of this yday and today thanks to Latex :) (cheers buddy)

I've enjoyed it a bit, I've not played much past level 10, I don't want to spoil or play to much until release. I quite like the combat system seems quite engaging which makes a change. During my play to level 10 I found it all very generic nothing to special, but I'm guessing thats maybe still part of its whole tutorial portion of the game for the later game.

I really enjoyed playing Stalker I read a few people saying they found them weak but I really had fun with the Stalker, it suited my prefer play style perfectly. I found the spellslinger no where near as fun as I thought it would be I was hoping it would be more crazy pew pew, but didn't like how "slow" it felt. Graphics I quite liked seemed to run very well on my rig. I really like the comedy to it some of it very cheesy but got some laughs out of me. I was quite surprised by the Dominion I was expecting them to be slightly more "serious" but I found them to be more mental that the Exiles.

I also found quite a few bugs which really affected gameplay. But I guess that is expected in Beta.

Overall I think it looks promising but nothing too special. But I think I will reserve judgement until release. I think I will still buy the game and see how it goes from there once I get into the later game.

Just my 2p thoughts anyways :p
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All in all I enjoyed beta.

Is it as good as the hype? No.

Is it good, and a lot better than most recent mmo offerings? Yes.

The combat was a mix between gw2/wow and I thought it worked well, it could be a little more tilted toward gw2 and be more engaging and interactive as at the moment it leans toward the static wow approach where you can stand still and spam to death. The twist being the laydowns (my term nit there's) which you have to dodge or you will suffer.

Graphic style I like, they've simply said FU to pretending to be a super graphic game and have instead went with a style which they are comfortable with and they have implemented it well so it works.

Questing is, disappointingly, more wow than gw2 in that you go to hubs, clear them and move on to the next. I don't like this style but would have forgave it if there was still a good element of public questing which gw2 used beautifully. Sadly Wildstar misses this and while the odd events sonetimes occur they are neither interesting nor well sign posted so they tend to just go unnoticed.

The ability setup I like a lot. Think vanilla/tbc wow and you hit the nail on the head (sort of) as it has a lot of different options and chances to tinker with it which I think most mmo's have missed recently.

Story was neither here nor there for me. I preferred the exile lore a bit more than the Dominion and whilst I see what they are aiming at I didn't really get it, though this may come later as you advance more.

All told I enjoyed it and will certainly be purchasing it and giving it a good go. Whether or not I stick with it long term remains to be seen as I currently get 3 good games for free (gw2, dota2 and marvel heroes) and Wildstar isn't quite there for me to want to give up in them. A fact evidenced I spent 5 hours this weekend I could have been in beta on dota2 and marvel heroes.

So yeah, thumbs up but certainly some improvements to be made.
Way too linear for me plus reminded me why I dont play WoW anymore - too much timesink/kill x mobs. Was good fun for a bit but wont be buying I dont think.
Well I have been playing the beta for a while and when people are saying that the questing is terrible...so far its the same and yes its getting boring but how else would you do it? I am not reading the lore because I want to save that for release.

I got my warrior to level 22 and I have done the adventure and also the dungeon as a tank. So far what I have played I will defiantly investing in this game and I have had so much fun doing it so far.

The dungeon was great, challenging and for the first one in the game I had so much fun and look forward to doing the rest. We wiped a few times which I wasn’t even bothered about because it made the group talk to each other which is good. Rather than randomly getting a group and breezing through it.

PvP I haven’t done much of but what I did do I enjoyed. But I will be mainly doing the PvE side of things first.

Trade skills I haven’t had much involvement in but the housing side is fun once you start crafting and mining on your land.

Skills is great, I like having a limit on the abilities and for the dungeon we found that we have to switch out some skills depending on the encounter or if something wasn’t working.

I understand people want a new approach on questing in a MMO but if they think if there was a successful was of doing this, developers would have done it by now? within the last 10 years or so I know there have been slight alterations but the telegraph dodging does become more of a necessity the higher you get for at around 13-15level just for the people who didn’t quite make it
I got a beta key for this weekend and played it long enough to realise that it simply isn't a game written for people like me. Horrible cartoon style, un-engaging quests... I think I'm just too old (48). In contrast I have had an absolute blast in ESO beta and I can't wait for that to come out.
I think some people are just getting burnt out on MMO's but I am 25 and I have a blast on this game! I have always liked the holy trinity and having a purpose in a group.
I got a beta key for this weekend and played it long enough to realise that it simply isn't a game written for people like me. Horrible cartoon style, un-engaging quests... I think I'm just too old (48). In contrast I have had an absolute blast in ESO beta and I can't wait for that to come out.

Basically echo these comments, 29 years old ad I found the game beyond childish. Free realms 2.0 is what this game is.
I personally was expecting a bit more voice acting and well just interesting quests. I know there has to be some "filler" quests to pad it out a bit but it all just felt like filler quests to me. The amount of good trailers they have showing some quite comedy driven stories was what grasped me. But there just didn't seem to be any of that, I'm hoping more of that is shown in the later game. However I must admit I didn't read much of the quest text or the lore stuff given to me. So maybe there is some interesting stuff there which I will read on release.

The dungeon does look good but that's the only dungeon I have seen so far (by stream that is) My only slight worry is that the other dungeons won't live up to it. I could be completely wrong here, but it just made me think of SWTOR on its release. The first dungeon was very good (imo) story driven things choices that made a difference. But everything after that first dungeon just sucked.

Overall though I'm extremely glad I managed to get a go at it this weekend. It's cooled down my hype-o meter down for it which I think I needed. I will still purchase it at release and give it a good go, but at least now I'm not expecting the world's greatest thing since sliced bread.
I think that is the problem with a lot of people getting into stress tests, If you had the time you can do the adventures, spend time doing crafting, doing you path quests, build a community within a guild, organise warplots and social gatherings. I know speaking to my brother over skype while doing the dungeon had us discussing the game which helped a lot. There were times I had to stop talking to concentrate when I lost a little bit of my concentration and taking a lot of damage because of this!

A few people complaining about DC during a stress test, about bugs. I can honestly say the further you get into it the better it gets. I can’t comment on the later dungeons as I haven’t got to that point but fingers crossed I can get to the next one becuase I dont have a level 32 character

For the weekend who only had the stress test they probs didn’t get the most out of this game which is a shame. I hope they bring out a decent collector’s edition because I will deffo be getting that! also some time off work...fingers crossed
I only managed to spend a few hours on this over the weekend, I picked a class that didn't really interest me (Esper) just so I didn't ruin any story or anything for when the game comes out, I also skipped all the text. I still really enjoyed it.

Yes, questing is the same ole' stuff but then, I don't know how else to do it. I actually really disliked GW2 questing and prefer the classic style (although both styles are still a grind). I would love a completely new way of levelling but I don't have any idea how this would work.

It ran like a dog on my late 2013 rMPB no matter what settings I chose. All on high at 1680x1050 it ran between 15-30fps. Dropped the res and settings and it still ran like poo. I know this is just an optimisation issue which will probably be fixed by release.

I'll definitely be picking it up.
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Odd it never even pushed my rig at all. 1440p everything on as high as possible I tried forcing some AA not sure if it worked though :p but everything ran smooth as smooth can be. In fact I would go as far as saying for me its one of the best performing MMO's in terms of performance from my PC I've had for quite some time.

My PC:
2500k @4.4
Titan... stock :p
That said it is all on a custom watercooled loop sooooooo that might have something to do with it. Temps never got higher than 40c on my CPU and the Titan didn't even reach 35c. It only really dropped if I hit a really really busy area it dropped a bit but not by much.
It ran poorly for me too. I had to lower settings to get performance.

I'm running 3570k ivy at 4.5ghz, 7970 GHz edition and 8gb ram installed on a ssd.
It ran poorly for me too. I had to lower settings to get performance.

I'm running 3570k ivy at 4.5ghz, 7970 GHz edition and 8gb ram installed on a ssd.

I have more or less the same spec but wouldnt say it ran poorly for me on high. There were some microstutters, but I couldnt tell what caused them as foliage etc seemed the same.

I do hope after the second quest hub (which I didnt get out of) that the world opens up a bit. I did get that very zoney feel, oh heres unanother unscaleable mountain range, how coincedental.

I think it will be wildly popular though.
In game a lot of people who have been playing a while have highly recommended this game, I found a lot of the complaining where the stress testers lol

Either that or they where trolling the chat
Indeed, its pointless trying to compare performance at the mo, these weekend tests arent optimised at all...people who have done a few of these should know that though ;)
I didn't deleve into discussion in General in game. But I did read it every so often and I found it quite ammusing, it reminded me a lot of "Barren chat" in WoW :p As you mentioned Clarty a lot of people complaining seemed to be stress testers, but that said there was also a lot of people who had been playing the game a while just flat out trolling "newbs" to the game.

But yea anyone who has ever done a Beta test should expect things to be a bit unstable.
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