All in all I enjoyed beta.
Is it as good as the hype? No.
Is it good, and a lot better than most recent mmo offerings? Yes.
The combat was a mix between gw2/wow and I thought it worked well, it could be a little more tilted toward gw2 and be more engaging and interactive as at the moment it leans toward the static wow approach where you can stand still and spam to death. The twist being the laydowns (my term nit there's) which you have to dodge or you will suffer.
Graphic style I like, they've simply said FU to pretending to be a super graphic game and have instead went with a style which they are comfortable with and they have implemented it well so it works.
Questing is, disappointingly, more wow than gw2 in that you go to hubs, clear them and move on to the next. I don't like this style but would have forgave it if there was still a good element of public questing which gw2 used beautifully. Sadly Wildstar misses this and while the odd events sonetimes occur they are neither interesting nor well sign posted so they tend to just go unnoticed.
The ability setup I like a lot. Think vanilla/tbc wow and you hit the nail on the head (sort of) as it has a lot of different options and chances to tinker with it which I think most mmo's have missed recently.
Story was neither here nor there for me. I preferred the exile lore a bit more than the Dominion and whilst I see what they are aiming at I didn't really get it, though this may come later as you advance more.
All told I enjoyed it and will certainly be purchasing it and giving it a good go. Whether or not I stick with it long term remains to be seen as I currently get 3 good games for free (gw2, dota2 and marvel heroes) and Wildstar isn't quite there for me to want to give up in them. A fact evidenced I spent 5 hours this weekend I could have been in beta on dota2 and marvel heroes.
So yeah, thumbs up but certainly some improvements to be made.