Wildstar New MMO (NCSoft and Carbine Studios)

I did get diconnected on my first run of the dungeon, spent about 1.5hrs doing it and then DC'd lost the group and my progess in it. I wont lie I got annoyed but these things happen lol managed to finish is last night as me as the tank and my brother as a healer so we instantly got a group
Atm I am using 4GB of RAM and nvidia 550Ti not the best but before this is release I plan to get at least 8GB and a new graphics card. Trying not to spend to much but I want to notice the difference
Could be a ati specific issue? As everyone who ran smooth where nvidia.

Good point, I didn't notice that that could be a problem.

That said I would have been really shocked if my system couldn't handle it ! (even though I have an "older" CPU)

It was odd though, I was monitoring my CPU and Titan while playing and nether seemed to be tasked that hard. The Titan was doing a fair bit of work but nothing it couldn't handle. Also got 16gb of RAM in my PC.

But as mentioned still Beta I would imagine they still having tweaking to do with graphics and optimisation
I know it's beta and all. But I spent about 5 hours yesterday building a set of stairs in my house that my character could walk up. The advanced item manipulator HUD is a work of art in and of itself. Could have spent that time getting my character to 50 (I'm 47) but instead I chose to build my house. I love this game.
I know it's beta and all. But I spent about 5 hours yesterday building a set of stairs in my house that my character could walk up. The advanced item manipulator HUD is a work of art in and of itself. Could have spent that time getting my character to 50 (I'm 47) but instead I chose to build my house. I love this game.

Are you doing that as a tradeskill? at the moment I dont have many things to put in my house without spending my gold which i dont want to do lol
Are you doing that as a tradeskill? at the moment I dont have many things to put in my house without spending my gold which i dont want to do lol

Using "metal edged 2x4" to put on the wall to make stairs. They cost 10silver each from the vendor (in your house), think i needed about 40 of them.

But I have also spent about 1 platinum on items from the AH. Gold is real easy to make at my level. I spent 50g on my house on Saturday morning, then went and did some quests to get myself to level 47 from 46 and I had 150G by the time I was 47. I haven't salvaged many items, I just sell them.
Ah right well I am only level 22 lol I am doing dominion atm but I will be rolling exile when its release. Trying not to spoil too much of this game and skipping a lot of the content and lore.

At the moment I have 50g so I dont Think i am doing bad regarding selling stuff, Never been rich in MMO's

Cant wait to get back on it tonight
Reading about the internet is pretty scary tbh. I googled the business model of this game and found out it's subscription based, and reading comments sections on various sites, there nobody complaining, some people even go as far as to say they are happy it's sub and not b2p or f2p.

Que a TESO article and it's nothing but 'subscriptions aren't viable' 'no way will i pay monthly' it's amazing. People really do read around and bandwagon the first opinion they read. This isn't me insulting WS or bigging up TESO, but people are really, really stupid/incapable of forming their own opinions.
For me personally I've always preferred subscription based MMOs.

In theory it puts everyone on a level playing field as there shouldn't be any pay to win schemes added in there. If companies want to charge for vanity items as well as a subscription then I'm fine with that as long as there are no exp potions etc.

The thing I don't like about F2P is I never know how much I should spend (not that I've ever paid for anything in F2P). I prefer having the limit of 7.99 (or whatever it is) and knowing that spending any extra won't help you enjoy the game.
ESO is based off a wildly succesful single player franchise it's not much of a leap to draw conclusions that your areverage ES'er isnt your usual MMO, pay a sub crowd. Regardless, ftp doesnt nessessarily mean freemium, dungeon keeper style rip off. There are plenty of succesful 'ftp' models dev's can follow.
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