Wildstar New MMO (NCSoft and Carbine Studios)

I always say that as long as you’re paying the Sub and they release enough content to warrant that then that is fine by me. From coming from WoW I have never had a problem with that and agree that if they only add in cosmetic gear its up to that player if they want to waste money on it or not.

I don’t like how WoW introduced the Mounts through Micro transactions because it takes away the epicness of owning a mount that no0one else has.

The fight between Wildstar and ESO reminds me of when I first started MMO's and it was a split between WoW and Guild Wars 1
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Reading about the internet is pretty scary tbh. I googled the business model of this game and found out it's subscription based, and reading comments sections on various sites, there nobody complaining, some people even go as far as to say they are happy it's sub and not b2p or f2p.

Que a TESO article and it's nothing but 'subscriptions aren't viable' 'no way will i pay monthly' it's amazing. People really do read around and bandwagon the first opinion they read. This isn't me insulting WS or bigging up TESO, but people are really, really stupid/incapable of forming their own opinions.

Both Wildstar and TESO have had their beta released for a while now - gamers/previewers generally liked the first and they generally disliked the latter.

People are enjoying Wildstar, even in the beta, where as TESO either gets negative comments or fans defending it while hoping for improvements/better late game/etc.

Just look at the last 10-15 replies in this thread:

'Cant wait to get back on it tonight '
'I love this game. '
'I still really enjoyed it'
'I think it will be wildly popular though'
'As much as i want this game now '

And then look at the depressing ESO thread. Even the fans don't think that much of it, they mostly talk about 'potential'.

Bandwagoning has nothing to do with it, ESO just doesn't offer much yet it comes at a premium price. Of course you'll have people complaining.
Oh I agree that TESO isn't as good as it should be, but none of the comments I've read that discuss subscriptions have stated anything along the lines of 'game isn't good enough to warrant a sub' etc., just comments about how draconian subs are blah blah, so it's abit like :/

Kokatu are awful for it.

Anybody know where I can get a full beta code for this? Was busy during the stress test, and didn't get to give it a proper go.
and tell everyone over and over that Wildstar is for kids as it's really childish :D

Wildstar is childish :p but that's its charm imo. Even in the trailers and what not it always came across to me as meant to be a bit silly and stupid. I still personally have some doubts about Wildstar but nothing I saw was "game breaking" but at the same time there was nothing new. I do like the combat to Wildstar and I quite liked the art direction. But again some people just simply do not like the cartoon graphics, each to their own though. It’s still a day one purchase for me currently.

ESO I have to say although I didn't particularly enjoy the Beta weekends I played, I am still reserving judgment. The recent patch appears to have tweaked a fair amount and some of them were issues I had with the game. I think my disappointment was mainly because I was expecting Skyrim but in a MMO. When realistically it is not that. I have to say I am hesitant to purchase it day one. But might later down the line depending on feedback after the release.

My problem is I don't want pay two subs, I'm currently not subbed to any MMO's yet. So by the end of it I will only be playing one (most likely).
I can understand what he means by cartoon-y. When I first saw WoW, coming from Guild Wars, I said to my mate, "damn it looks really cartoon-y, I don't like it" but the cartoon effect soon grew on me. I started to see that character model/worlds that are made to look "realistic" seem to lack a certain charm or even character. Having them look cartoon-y gives them a personality and the world itself feels more alive.

At least from my perspective any way. :)
anyhooo, anyone that wants to try out this game there is a beta weekend this weekend starting the 28th Feb.

Just go here and sign up and you will get a key instantly :)
Waiting for LateX'Dog to drop in......:rolleyes:

I'm still reading. Just not trolling the thread like some of you are in the ESO one.

If you go back a couple of pages you will see some people who didn't like the game and that's me included.

There is also a 700 page post on mmo-champ with a lot of people who are unhappy. So try not to perpetuate the lie that 'everyone loves it'.

My problems are the art style its too childish, the content is boring and unintuitive, the lore is just tacked on and pointless, the combat is for ADHD sufferers because all you do is button mash and the quests are missing a personality as they seem to serve no purpose other then a XP dump and collected in hubs.

Now when comparing to WoW please remember, their lore is rich and deep, their combat came from tried and tested MMOs, their art style is childish, but less of the child in your face and their questing is always changing and they are moving away from hub orientated questing and more into random encounters (ESO) and dynamic content.

Guild wars 2 combat has been described time and time again as terrible and boring. So to imitate it, to me is crazy.
Looks tht way. I am happy to sub to this as i think its worth it tbh, love all aspects of the game so far.

I normally go healing in MMO's and went healing with clart as tank, its nice change even for the healing side of the game.

Im trying not to play to much as i dont want to burn out or spoil tht much when i do get it on release. I have pick the oppisite faction and different class for the beta and to get a feel of the game and its all good for me :)
I think I may be responding to a troll now when I say:

"too childish"? So that means you want it to be childish but not too much?

"Boring content" that's subjective.

"Unintuitive"? Look at the map it shows you where to go.

The lore has to start from somewhere, especially since it's a whole new IP.

Don't have to button mash can just hold the button and it will keep using that spell.

"quests are missing a personality as they seem to serve no purpose other then a XP dump" That's what they are there for, and the personality part is again, subjective.

Also the questing system is semi-dynamic (best of both worlds). There are world (read public) events.

This is nothing like GW2 combat. It may look that way. That's the troll fed for the day.

Wish I could tell you more. I really do. But I would be breaking the rules if told of any AWESOME content after level 29.
I can understand what he means by cartoon-y. When I first saw WoW, coming from Guild Wars, I said to my mate, "damn it looks really cartoon-y, I don't like it" but the cartoon effect soon grew on me. I started to see that character model/worlds that are made to look "realistic" seem to lack a certain charm or even character. Having them look cartoon-y gives them a personality and the world itself feels more alive.

At least from my perspective any way. :)
I've always thought the same with MMO graphics.

Initially I thought I'd prefer the realistic titles for graphics, but overall it seems the less realistic ones (such as WoW, TOR & this) have graphics which date better & are more appealing to the eye.
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