Everything about WS is just better imo. Combat, Animations, art design, world design, exploration, 'end game' (from what I've seen), dungeons. And even the things ESO doesn't have like war plots & housing all shout at a better experience. If you look at where both games are, you would think WS was out in a month and ESO was 3-6 months behind as the level of polish is night and day.
Pretty much the only thing ESo 'trumps' WS in is that it does have a huge amount of Lore to fall back on. However, for me, it comes across as badly written fanfic. Admittedly I haven't touched the PVP in ESO for a while as it was broken to **** last time I tried, but I understand the dude in charge has worked wonders (shame he wasn't in charge of the whole game tbh) but as alluded to in the ESO game thread botting will be rampant unfortunately.
The clincher though is if I want to play an ES game I'll go play Skyrim or even Oblivion, as ESO does nothing better than what is already out in the Single Player RPG version