Wildstar New MMO (NCSoft and Carbine Studios)

Can you not download it until the 7th? when i run the installer it just says failed.

Mine did that a few times, ended up just installing it to E:\Wildstar, no sub folder and worked fine for some reason.
Thanks for the link, got myself a key. The best part is it gives you access to the Beta forums so you can read all about the game :D
Why do these key giveaways always happen in the day when i'm at work!

Saw the link on the forums but couldnt access page because of works web filter, and no signal on my phone in the office :(

By the time I got out of work they had all gone. Argh.
Having not seen/played the game at all other than a couple screenshots, likewise with ESO. I am a little worried by something i read in a thread admittedly the eso one where they pointed out silly things like having a cup of noodles on your mount etc.

Is this the fisher price of mmo?
I mean is it childish and aimed at kids? Or adults that would find a fart noise funny over and over?

I will be installing for the closed weekend tomorrow anyway to try myself so will know soon enough :)

It's not childish, just because the art style is reminiscent of WoW (i.e. 'cartooney') it doesnt mean its childish. It's a stylised look, generally speaking MMO's that go with this approach over a realistic art style look better a few years down the line.


Any accusations of propaganda going on in the TESO thread are at best, utter hypocrisy considering the amount of rubbish that has been posted in there from Wildstar advocates: pictures of train crashes (such good taste :rolleyes: ) statements of how the game will fail ect. and all sorts of other stuff.

I'm the one who posted about the raman bowl because it is true, and I do not think that it is going to help the perception of MMOs (it can be validly said that we shouldn't care what non-MMO players think about fans of the genre).
I did also mention that my post was tongue in cheek, was my opinion only and that it wasn't some precursor to a new war of words between fans of each game and that Wildstar has a lot of innovations going for it. It also, personally has some things that I have to sigh rather loudly at.

I'm glad that there'll soon be two AAA MMOs for each set of fans to enjoy. After all, we'll all be the winners if both games are successful, right?
I mean is it childish and aimed at kids? Or adults that would find a fart noise funny over and over?

I will be installing for the closed weekend tomorrow anyway to try myself so will know soon enough :)

No, it's just another MMO which instead of going with Orc's Goblins and Elves decided to take it into space. There is humor in there, but due to the NDA people couldn't post pic's or footage to show it off.

The ESO thread just turned into an 'Ours is better than yours' playground that didn't allow any mature discussions of 'that' games short-comings.

Your best bet is to just boot it up, try a few classes and explore a few area's and make your own mind up. Wildstar's visuals might not be everyone's cup of tea but it certainly didn't hurt WoW.

I doubt many people will be doing any Wildstar LARP action though :D
Scritchy, you realise if the situation was reversed and this was the ESO thread, you'd be told in no uncertain terms to gtfo for posting anything less than glowingly positive.

I'm really looking forward to ESO, I've pre-ordered the Imperial edition and everything, but the kind of thing that goes on in the ESO thread just isn't on. Posting similar stuff in here and claiming hypocrisy is the height of double standards.
I'm more than happy to debate both games and I haven't posted anything inflammatory nor hypocritical at all; I've not attacked Wildstar once . If you read my posts on TESO, I know it's not perfect, nor is it the saviour of MMO gaming. Sure, there may be some who are a bit more militant in their defence but that goes for both sides. I've not come into this thread and said that Wildstar is rubbish, that it is going to fail, nor posted pictures of disasters in some ridiculous attempt to appear clever.

I've tried three Wildstar betas. I've really tried to get into the game but TESO is simply more my style. I'll miss having housing (SWG and EQ2 vet here) and the housing in Wildstar looks very robust. I loved the animations on the Chua but I just found the questing too much like TERA (which although well written and having very humours titles, bored me to tears) and I really dislike the over saturation of attempts from the devs to appear cool or hip; the bowl of raman being a case in point.

Both games are aimed at different audiences and I really do hope both are successful because the genre has seen enough white elephants to last a life time.
Here's another thing for me, my miss's doesn't play online games at all really, infact her first game she played online was Path of Exile, because I was playing it.

I got her into TESO and WildStar beta's, she played Skyrim an insane amount and loves the game, she liked TESO because of that, but she just found WildStar more fun.

She plays Final Fantasy at the moment with a friend and I often look over to see that bored look on her face while her character stands still while she presses a few buttons over and over and over again.

Combat needs to fun and involving and that just isnt the case in TESO. WildStar in my eye's has taken the best of WoW and GW2/Tera and combined it into a fun, involving and dynamic combat experience.

Questing will always be dull no matter how you make it, but as long as your having fun bashing things who cares. I have quiet a few friends that all really look forward to TESO online, but I can guarantee that once they get to play WildStar they will soon switch sides.

Those that are saying TESO is far better currently, haven't played WildStar yet imho.
Questing will always be dull no matter how you make it, but as long as your having fun bashing things who cares. I have quiet a few friends that all really look forward to TESO online, but I can guarantee that once they get to play WildStar they will soon switch sides.

No. Nononononono! Questing does not have to be dull. I called someone out on this in the TESO thread too. Look at The Secret World. The time and effort they put into their questing was immense and it paid off handsomely. That game is an MMO and yet it got you looking at Hebrew and translating it into Arabic, or learning history and all sorts of other, interesting things. Just because MMOs have taken the easy route and path of least resistance* doesn't mean that they should always do that.

And I've played both as I noted and I prefer TESO so your guarantee means nothing. You may personally prefer Wildstar (as many do) but to guarantee stuff is ridiculous; everything is subjective.

Those that are saying TESO is far better currently, haven't played WildStar yet imho.

I have, and I'm not, nor ever have, saying TESO is better, just that I much prefer it.

*this is the reason why I'm hoping the sandbox revival works. Give the players the tools to make quests and you instantly remove a massive workload from the devs and give them the manpower to concentrate on other tasks. Have someone/thing in place to check any quests for bugs/nasties and have some sort of loot system set up (player made quests shouldn't be able to allocate loot as a reward for obvious reasons) and you'll see far more immersive and imaginative quests appear than most devs could dream of.
As i'm near at the point of pre-ordering ESO, i managed to get a key for Wildstar! I'll be looking forward to trying it this weekend and i'll make my mind up as to which one i'll play....
Everything about WS is just better imo. Combat, Animations, art design, world design, exploration, 'end game' (from what I've seen), dungeons. And even the things ESO doesn't have like war plots & housing all shout at a better experience. If you look at where both games are, you would think WS was out in a month and ESO was 3-6 months behind as the level of polish is night and day.

Pretty much the only thing ESo 'trumps' WS in is that it does have a huge amount of Lore to fall back on. However, for me, it comes across as badly written fanfic. Admittedly I haven't touched the PVP in ESO for a while as it was broken to **** last time I tried, but I understand the dude in charge has worked wonders (shame he wasn't in charge of the whole game tbh) but as alluded to in the ESO game thread botting will be rampant unfortunately.

The clincher though is if I want to play an ES game I'll go play Skyrim or even Oblivion, as ESO does nothing better than what is already out in the Single Player RPG version

I like wow graphics and prefer them to ultra realistic look. The graphics dont bother me it was the 'humour' and such that was worrying. I get to try it tomorrow so will judge for myself :D
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