Wildstar New MMO (NCSoft and Carbine Studios)

I have a 23 stalker and have found it OK just a tad dull... so I started a Medic :) Got it to level 10 and it is hilarious, Pull big groups and AOE them down while healing youself :) yay.

PVP is also much more enjoyable than popping out of stealth hitting things once or twice then getting spread all over the area.
Love it, except I still find it way too laborious getting leather. I had to but C.R.E.D.D just so I can buy it from auction house. If this is the intention of the game than it may put me off. Not yet though :)
The problems with wildstar:

PVP gear is useless.
Balance is beyond funny. Some classes such as Stalker are just unplayable in 2s and 3s.
Premades dominate. I'm talking complete and utter faceroll. No chance at ninja objective winning because well you can't ninja anything.
Time to kill is so long.
BOTS. BOTS everywhere. This will kill PVP.
No rewards for ranked arenas. They broke it but don't really want to fix it.
The telegraph system is great in 2s and 3s but boy anything else it just gets messy and unpleasant.
They have 0 interest in character development or styling.
The problems with wildstar:

PVP gear is useless. I do hear this is the case, but they are working on fixing it.

Balance is beyond funny. Some classes such as Stalker are just unplayable in 2s and 3s. Not sure on this one, I hear on other forums Stalker does great. Double stalkers in 2's is apparantly too OP!

Premades dominate. I'm talking complete and utter faceroll. No chance at ninja objective winning because well you can't ninja anything.Pre-mades are always gonna beat pugs in any game. Is there the option for seperate queue for pre-mades to randoms? Would be good to have if not, or I guess practise BG's aimed at pugs and rated ones are aimed at groups. If you don't have a group, maybe best to play practise till you find one?

Time to kill is so long.Guess thats a personal preference thing, no view is more or less valid on that really.

BOTS. BOTS everywhere. This will kill PVP.That really does suck, but in practise grounds I guess it's less important (i've played quite a bit practise BG's and not had an issue) and in rated ones if you want to do well best to have a group again.

No rewards for ranked arenas. They broke it but don't really want to fix it.I doubt they don't want to fix it, has a dev actually said that? They have lots they are working on at the moment, patches coming regularly. Maybe bit of patience?

The telegraph system is great in 2s and 3s but boy anything else it just gets messy and unpleasant.Again, personal preference I think on that one, I love the telegraph system. Sometimes it can get mental, but you gotta try stay out it all :p

They have 0 interest in character development or styling.This is the first point I completely disagree with, they have loads of styling options, costumes, dyes etc, with more coming in the July content update (new content 1 month after release? Not bad!).
PVP gear is useless. I do hear this is the case, but they are working on fixing it.

Balance is beyond funny. Some classes such as Stalker are just unplayable in 2s and 3s. Not sure on this one, I hear on other forums Stalker does great. Double stalkers in 2's is apparantly too OP!

Premades dominate. I'm talking complete and utter faceroll. No chance at ninja objective winning because well you can't ninja anything.Pre-mades are always gonna beat pugs in any game. Is there the option for seperate queue for pre-mades to randoms? Would be good to have if not, or I guess practise BG's aimed at pugs and rated ones are aimed at groups. If you don't have a group, maybe best to play practise till you find one?

Time to kill is so long.Guess thats a personal preference thing, no view is more or less valid on that really.

They may be working on the gear but it's not happening in this month's big patch and may not even happen in July's. That's a long time for a brand new game to screw over the PvP'ers.

Stalker is a mere annoyance unless tank spec for BG's and it'll probably be nerfed as it's a bit broken atm. They're damage specs are getting buffed and fixed though, at some point.

Makes no difference what you queue for. When you queue for practice BG it still puts you in matches with those who queued for rated, the only difference is queueing for practice means your rating doesn't change.

I don't know what levels you guys are talking about with time to kill but at 50 it is very very quick. Half the teams tend to be made up of flavour of the month warriors atm so everyone drops quickly.
Cheers for the info there, I realise not being max level my experience is limited but do like to weigh in my opinions on the game (usually defending it because I love it so far! haha).

Agreed it is a long time for PvP'ers to wait, but its defo coming and most people aren't 50 yet so it won't effect most of the players too badly, but it's far from ideal.

That is really lame though about the queue being for both, just one is with no rating change. Did not realise (or expect) that's how it works at all. No wonder people are moaning (rightfully) about pre-mades dominating! Really hope they make a change to how that works.
The thing is people moaning about pre-mades that are always going to dominate because there is communication in that team. This is a MMO not a RPG it is aimed at groups/guilds/social side of gaming. You cant expect to go into the game on your own expecting things to be handed to you.

Make friends, join a guild or get a group.
The thing is people moaning about pre-mades that are always going to dominate because there is communication in that team. This is a MMO not a RPG it is aimed at groups/guilds/social side of gaming. You cant expect to go into the game on your own expecting things to be handed to you.

Make friends, join a guild or get a group.

Guilds are going in as 10 man pre-mades and vendoring their gear while ion the queue, once the queue pops they re-buy it before accepting. That way they get matched against people with no gear.
Nope just normal pvp guilds. It's been known about for months but is just another to add to the list of glaring bugs and mistakes that shouldn't have made it to live.

It truly is one of the messiest games i've played at launch but for some reason i still find myself really enjoying it :)
Perhaps when you level a bit higher you'll see what i meant by messy Nemesis.

Aye maybe, I was 37 in beta, on the plus side we have recruited a few more level 50 (absorbed a dead/dying guild) 4 in so far all 50, you can now try sort a level 50 pre-made BG.

One guild even without the best gear, and on TS should win most of their matches :D

On another note done Stormtalon run with guild last night ...was fun even though we spent hours and ........ we sucked :p

But was a good laugh!
I don't know whaich character to progress now. I have a Medic at 16 and a Spellslinger at 14, I wanted to get the housing for both of them for the rested XP, and now I can't decide which to get to 50 first. Bah.
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