The problems with wildstar:
PVP gear is useless.
I do hear this is the case, but they are working on fixing it.
Balance is beyond funny. Some classes such as Stalker are just unplayable in 2s and 3s.
Not sure on this one, I hear on other forums Stalker does great. Double stalkers in 2's is apparantly too OP!
Premades dominate. I'm talking complete and utter faceroll. No chance at ninja objective winning because well you can't ninja anything.
Pre-mades are always gonna beat pugs in any game. Is there the option for seperate queue for pre-mades to randoms? Would be good to have if not, or I guess practise BG's aimed at pugs and rated ones are aimed at groups. If you don't have a group, maybe best to play practise till you find one?
Time to kill is so long.
Guess thats a personal preference thing, no view is more or less valid on that really.
BOTS. BOTS everywhere. This will kill PVP.
That really does suck, but in practise grounds I guess it's less important (i've played quite a bit practise BG's and not had an issue) and in rated ones if you want to do well best to have a group again.
No rewards for ranked arenas. They broke it but don't really want to fix it.
I doubt they don't want to fix it, has a dev actually said that? They have lots they are working on at the moment, patches coming regularly. Maybe bit of patience?
The telegraph system is great in 2s and 3s but boy anything else it just gets messy and unpleasant.
Again, personal preference I think on that one, I love the telegraph system. Sometimes it can get mental, but you gotta try stay out it all
They have 0 interest in character development or styling.
This is the first point I completely disagree with, they have loads of styling options, costumes, dyes etc, with more coming in the July content update (new content 1 month after release? Not bad!).