willy waving competition

Tommy B said:
What other people say regarding this topic is crap.

We all have different hearing and some of us have more responsive ears. As mentioned above, I can tell the difference between compressed files and lossless files quite easily, but my best mate thinks I'm barking. For me, the treble is more defined and the bass is much deeper. Also, lossless files do not distort even with the volume on ear-drum damaging levels.

Well I've given it a try. I just encoded 2 different tracks to MP3 using the LAME codec. One at 128kbps and one at 320kbps. I encoded some Sibellius and some Muse. I couldn't tell the difference on my Technics HiFi, or on my iRiver mp3 player with Sony headphones.

I know it's hardly the pinnacle of studio equipment, but for me, 128kbps will do nicely. Still, I encode most at 160kbps.

This was the thread that I remember:

p4radox said:
Well I've given it a try. I just encoded 2 different tracks to MP3 using the LAME codec. One at 128kbps and one at 320kbps. I encoded some Sibellius and some Muse. I couldn't tell the difference on my Technics HiFi, or on my iRiver mp3 player with Sony headphones.

I know it's hardly the pinnacle of studio equipment, but for me, 128kbps will do nicely. Still, I encode most at 160kbps.

This was the thread that I remember:


It does depend somewhat on how the MP3 is compressed. iTunes ripping to MP3 sounds awful relative to ripping to Apple lossless.
21,061 Files

I guess quite a few tracks are quite old, so the older tracks are at 128kps unfortunately, but all recent and ripped music is VBR/V0/320kps
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I'm at work so can't do a screenshot but at last count it was around 560gb and god knows how many files.

Most are around 192kps. In the wise words of High Contrast... "Music is everything."
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Does me ok :)
I've got about 960GB of music on my "classical" externals, but as they're all ripped in FLAC, it's not *that* big a collection. About 80GB of MP3s.
=[ my e-penis just shriveled up and died! *cries* lmao


on the upside my music is probably better organized than most of you guys :P all PERFECTLY anal. all with perfect media data and stuff. but yeah pretty crappy. although should be a fair bit bigger in a few days got 20gb(very roughly) of music coming my way.


thats 3k songs, 200hours worth 192-320kbps. mostly towards 320kbps.
You wanna organize mine? Got a few thousand tracks just jumbled in a folder. I did get 22,000 of them fairly well sorted but cant be bothered any more, its all fiddly with the remaining ones.
I did a few tests a while ago to see what the dropout in the frequency range was for different encoding.
The test.wav at the top is obviously the original.
Knock yourselves out -

mr_x_plosion said:
You wanna organize mine? Got a few thousand tracks just jumbled in a folder. I did get 22,000 of them fairly well sorted but cant be bothered any more, its all fiddly with the remaining ones.

hehe. thats a bit extreme. but i do offer to my mates i will sort out their music for a tenner lmao. mainly because i could just delete most of it and replace it with my own due to similar tastes in music lol =p
14GB which is entirely music, 2796 files and 153 hours in total

I encode in 160kbps normally, its not hard drive space on my pc I am short on (I have a 300GB hard drive dedicated to this kind of stuff so it is overkill atm) but space on my 30GB mp3 player. I upgraded from a 4GB iPod Mini so I would'nt have to keep removing stuff and I hope that I still won't have to for a while yet
You guys have insane amounts of music! :eek:

I've haven't even got 10GB.


Don't forget the song that's not in My Music. ;)

I have so little that 1 song makes a difference. :(
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